Acronym | Definition |
DMA | Direct Memory Access |
DMA | Dominica (ISO Country code) |
DMA | Direct Marketing Association |
DMA | Direct Market Access |
DMA | Dallas Museum of Art (Dallas, TX) |
DMA | Designated Market Area |
DMA | Dietary Managers Association |
DMA | Dynamic Mechanical Analysis |
DMA | Digital Media Archive |
DMA | Department of Military Affairs |
DMA | Defense Mapping Agency (former Army Map Service; later NIMA, now NGA) |
DMA | Doctor of Musical Arts (university degree) |
DMA | Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (thermoanalytical technique) |
DMA | Dynamic Memory Allocation |
DMA | Digital Media Academy |
DMA | Doesn't Mean Anything |
DMA | Division of Medical Assistance |
DMA | Delaware Millitary Academy (Wilmington, DE) |
DMA | Digital Media Adapter |
DMA | Defense Media Activity |
DMA | Dayton Microcomputer Association (Ohio, USA) |
DMA | Data Migration Assistant (software) |
DMA | Distributed Media Application (Polycom videoconference virtualization server) |
DMA | Danish Music Awards |
DMA | Data Management and Analytics (various organizations) |
DMA | Dimethoxyamphetamine |
DMA | Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (aka the 2000 Stafford Act amendments) |
DMA | Direct Marketing Agency |
DMA | Denver Metro Area (Colorado) |
DMA | División de Mantenimiento (Spanish: Maintenance Division; varioius locations) |
DMA | Don't Mess Around |
DMA | Distributed Media Architecture |
DMA | Data Management Application |
DMA | Data Memory Access |
DMA | Direct Matrix Architecture |
DMA | Designated Marketing Area |
DMA | Dump Memory in Ascii |
DMA | Desktop Management Agent |
DMA | Département de Mathématiques et Applications (French: Department of Mathematics and Applications; École Normale Supérieure; France) |
DMA | Drainage Minier Acide (French: Acid Mine Drainage) |
DMA | District Metered Area (geography) |
DMA | Design and Make Assignment |
DMA | Durham Miners' Association (UK) |
DMA | Downtown Merchants Association |
DMA | Defence Manufacturers Association (UK) |
DMA | Differential Mobility Analyzer |
DMA | Dynamic Mobility Applications (US DOT) |
DMA | Degrave et Marcant Assainissement (French sanitation company) |
DMA | Decines Meyzieu Athlétisme (French athletic club) |
DMA | Document Management Alliance |
DMA | Diplôme des Métiers d'art (French: Art Trade Diploma) |
DMA | Dance Masters of America |
DMA | Division of Monoclonal Antibodies (US FDA) |
DMA | Durban Metropolitan Area (Durban, South Africa) |
DMA | Department of Medical Assistance |
DMA | Distributed Management Application(s) |
DMA | Division of Military Application |
DMA | Departament de Medi Ambient (Department of Environmental Issues) |
DMA | Digital Media Association |
DMA | Decision Making Authority |
DMA | Dominicaines Missionnaires Adoratrices (French; Canadian missionary group) |
DMA | Diversity and Multicultural Affairs (various schools) |
DMA | Desktop Management Agent (software) |
DMA | Drawing Mark As-built |
DMA | Defense of Marriage Act |
DMA | Denver Metropolitan Area |
DMA | Design & Métiers d'Art (French: Design & Art Trades) |
DMA | Displaced Moving Average |
DMA | Distributed Multipole Analysis |
DMA | Drum Major Academy (Medford, MA) |
DMA | Demographic Market Area |
DMA | DuCharme, McMillen and Associates, Inc. (various locations) |
DMA | Deutsches Musikarchiv Berlin (German: Berlin Music Archives) |
DMA | Detroit Metro Airport (Romulus, MI) |
DMA | Data Management Analysis |
DMA | Danièle Models Agency (France) |
DMA | Discretionary Managed Account |
DMA | Diploma Medical Assisting (various schools) |
DMA | Dedham Medical Associates (Massachusetts) |
DMA | Delalonde Mauguio Automobiles (French automobile dealer) |
DMA | Danish Medical Association |
DMA | Déchet Ménager et Assimilé (French: Domestic and Related Waste) |
DMA | Depot Maintenance Activity |
DMA | Dominant Marketing Area |
DMA | Daewoo Motor America (various locations) |
DMA | Dimethylamines |
DMA | Dade Moeller & Associates (various locations) |
DMA | Despres-Manera Architectures (French architectural firm) |
DMA | Digital Manga Association |
DMA | Dépannage Matériel Aéroportuaire (French: Airport Equipment Troubleshooting) |
DMA | Dose Maximale Admissible (French: Maximum Permissible Dose; nuclear technology) |
DMA | Digital Model Assembly |
DMA | Data Management Area |
DMA | Dangerous Military Activities |
DMA | Department of Management and Administration (Tallahasse, Florida, USA) |
DMA | Digraph Matrix Analysis |
DMA | David Milling Architects (Ann Arbor, MI) |
DMA | Dungeon Masters Association |
DMA | Director of Military Assistance |
DMA | Dublin Martial Arts |
DMA | Diagnosis of Multiple Alarms |
DMA | Dolores Mission Alternative School |
DMA | Directory of Military Application |
DMA | Direction des Matériels des Armées (French: Directorate of Army Materials) |
DMA | Directory Maintenance Assistant (Defense Message System) |
DMA | Dead Man Anchor (independent anchor point, offshore engineering) |
DMA | Designated Maintenance Agency |
DMA | Donald Miller Architecture (Orlando, FL) |
DMA | Don't Message Again |
DMA | Diploma of Municipal Administration |
DMA | Design Margin Analysis |