Acronym | Definition |
CML | Chronic Myeloid Leukemia |
CML | Council of Mortgage Lenders (UK) |
CML | Commercial |
CML | Chemical |
CML | Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia |
CML | Chemical Markup Language |
CML | Crisis Management Lead (various companies) |
CML | Camarillo (Amtrak station code; Camarillo, CA) |
CML | Capital Market Line |
CML | Câmara Municipal de Lisboa |
CML | Chronische Myeloische Leukaemie (German: Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia) |
CML | Columbus Metropolitan Library |
CML | Center for Media Literacy |
CML | Census of Marine Life (also seen as CoML) |
CML | Current Mode Logic |
CML | Cache Meta Language |
CML | Configuration Management License |
CML | Characterization Meta Language |
CML | Certificate Management Library |
CML | Coldfusion Markup Language |
CML | Cheat Machine Library |
CML | Cement-Mortar Lining (pipes) |
CML | Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen (Dutch: Leiden University Institute of Environmental Sciences) |
CML | Colorado Municipal League |
CML | Curriculum Materials Library (Oklahoma State University) |
CML | Combined Membership List (American Mathematical Society) |
CML | CML Group, Inc. (former stock symbol, later CMLK; now delisted) |
CML | Chelidonium Majus L (plant) |
CML | Conditional Maximum Likelihood |
CML | Civil Military Liaison (various locations) |
CML | Classical Music Library (database) |
CML | Cary Memorial Library (Lexington, MA) |
CML | Consumer and Mortgage Loan |
CML | Computer Managed Learning |
CML | Certified Master Locksmith |
CML | Constructions Métalliques du Léman (French construction company) |
CML | Coastal Marine Lab (University of New Hampshire) |
CML | Concessional Mass Limit (transportation; Australia) |
CML | Coles-Myer Limited (Australian retail conglomerate) |
CML | Cartographic Modeling Lab (University of Pennsylvania) |
CML | Continental Math League |
CML | CairnGorm Mountain Ltd. (UK) |
CML | Concurrent Mapping and Localization |
CML | Câmara Municipal de Loures (Loures, Portugal) |
CML | Consortium de Matériel pour Laboratoires (French: Consortium of Equipment for Laboratories) |
CML | Centrální Mozek Lidstva |
CML | Creative Markup Language (programming) |
CML | Common Mode Logic |
CML | Canadian Mortgage Lender (Alberta, Canada) |
CML | Crown Motors Limited (Hong Kong) |
CML | Code Module Library (Microchip Technology, Inc.) |
CML | Call Me Later |
CML | Computer Mechanics Laboratory (UC Berkeley, Department of Mechanical Engineering) |
CML | Cognitive Modeling Language (artificial intelligence scripting language) |
CML | Charente Motos Loisirs (French motorcycle dealer) |
CML | CIBC Mortgages and Lending (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) |
CML | Citizens for Maryland Libraries |
CML | Computational Microgravity Laboratory (NASA Glenn Research Center) |
CML | Coordination Models and Languages (International Conference) |
CML | Continental Microwave Limited |
CML | Commissioning Management Ltd. (UK) |
CML | Capital Motor Lines |
CML | Client-Modify Log |
CML | Classroom Media Library |
CML | Coastal Morphodynamics Laboratory (Louisiana State University) |
CML | Contract Management Library |
CML | Club Mouche Lozérien (French fly fishing club) |
CML | Club Municipal de Loisirs (French: Municipal Recreation Club) |
CML | Continental Management Limited (Bermuda) |
CML | Context Management Layer |
CML | Computer Management Learning |
CML | Concordia Mutual Life |
CML | Contrôle et Mesure Laser (French: Laser Measurement and Control) |
CML | Central Michigan Lumber Company (Kawkawlin, Michigan) |
CML | College Mailing List |
CML | Collège Méditerranéen des Libertés (French: Mediterranean College of Liberties) |
CML | Consolidated Materials List |
CML | Cayman Management Limited (Offshore Recruitment) |
CML | Club Modéliste Longueillois (French model ship club) |