Acronym | Definition |
DMAC | Data Management and Communications |
DMAC | Digital Media and Communications (various schools) |
DMAC | Digital Media Arts College (Boca Raton, FL) |
DMAC | Direct Memory Access Control |
DMAC | Darren McFadden (football player) |
DMAC | Donovan McNabb (professional football player) |
DMAC | N,N-Dimethylacetamide |
DMAC | Direct Memory Access Controller |
DMAC | Des Moines Art Center (est. 1948; Iowa) |
DMAC | Destination Media Access Control (Cisco) |
DMAC | DME (Durable Medical Equipment) Medicare Administrative Contractor |
DMAC | Destination Mac |
DMAC | Dma Controller |
DMAC | Data Management and Control (various organizations) |
DMAC | Downtown Media Arts Center (Orlando, Florida) |
DMAC | Disaster Management Area Coordinator (California) |
DMAC | Drug Marketing, Advertising and Communications (US FDA) |
DMAC | Direct Machining and Control |
DMAC | Departmental Microcomputer Acquisition Contract |
DMAC | Diverless Maintained Cluster (deep water oil and gas industry) |
DMAC | Data Management for Assessment and Curriculum |
DMAC | Dimethylacetate |
DMAC | Deterministic Multiple-Access Channel |
DMAC | Data Management Analysis Center |
DMAC | Define Measure Analyze Control |
DMAC | Davis-Monthan Activities Committee |
DMAC | Durant Motors Automobile Club (automotive fanclub) |
DMAC | De Maubec à Coustellet (French political association) |
DMAC | Disaster Management Advisory Committee (FEMA) |
DMAC | Drag-to Place System for Main Umbilicals |
DMAC | Decision Making and Communications Module (Society of Actuaries) |