CREATECenter for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events
CREATEConsortium to Respond Effectively to the AIDS-TB Epidemic (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
CREATECenter for Research in Electronic Art Technology (Santa Barbara, CA)
CREATECentre for Research, Education and Training in Energy (Wigan, England, UK)
CREATEConsortium for Research on Educational Access, Transition and Equity (international development network)
CREATEChicago Regional Environmental and Transportation Efficiency
CREATECentre for Research in Employment and Technology in Europe (UK)
CREATECentre for Research in Educational Applications of Telematics
CREATECultural Resources to Educate and to Empower
CREATECenter for Reproductive Excellence Using Assisted Technology and Endocrinology
CREATEComputational Resources for Engineering & Training & Education
CREATECombat Readiness Analysis Team Effort
CREATECommunity Resource Educational Assistance Team
CREATECustomer Relations Enhancement Activity Team