DIGDiscussion Group(s)
DIGDigoxigenin (DNA marker)
DIGDeputy Inspector General
DIGDecentralized Information Group (various organizations)
DIGDirect Injection Gasoline (vehicles)
DIGDunedin Income Growth (UK)
DIGDipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale (Italian: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management)
DIGDeveloper'S Interest Group
DIGDomain Information Groper
DIGDigital Imaging Group
DIGDerivatives Implementation Group (FASB)
DIGDéclaré d'intérêt Général (French: Declaration of General Interest)
DIGDomain Internet Groper
DIGDevelopment Incentive Grant (various locations)
DIGDiffuse Ionised Gas
DIGDisney's Internet Guide
DIGDrop in Game (informal ice hockey)
DIGDigital Information Group
DIGDiscussion in Groups
DIGDoorman is God (gaming clan)
DIGDevelopment Insight Group
DIGDelta Informal Gardeners (California)
DIGDigiorgio Corporation (NYSE Symbol)
DIGDistributed Information Gathering
DIGDigital Image Generator
DIGDevelopers Interface Guide
DIGDOE Interaction Group
DIGDead in Ground
DIGData Item Group (US DoD)
DIGDepartement Informatique de Gestion
DIGDetonator Inspection Gauge
DIGDisaster Information Gateway
DIGDepartment Inspection Group
DIGDismissed as Improperly Granted (legal)
DIGDirect Inertial Guidance
DIGDetergent-Insoluble Glycolipid-Enriched Domain (cell & molecular biology)