EPExtended Play (record)
EPElvis Presley
EPEn Passant (chess)
EPEuropean Patent
EPEl Paso (Texas)
EPExtreme Pressure
EPEnd Point
EPExecutive Producer
EPEuropean Parliament
EPExpansion Pack (gaming)
EPElectrical Power
EPEnvelope (printing industry)
EPEntry Point
EPElectric Piano
EPEnergy Production
EPElectric Pump
EPEnvironmental Performance (California)
EPEngineering Practice
EPEmergency Power
EPEmotional Processing
EPEqual Protection (law)
EPElectronic Protection
EPElectronic Protection (previously ECCM)
EPEstes Park (Colorado, USA)
EPElectric Propulsion (space)
EPError Propagation
EPEducational Psychologist
EPElectrical Panel
EPElectronic Payment (various companies)
EPExclamation Point
EPElectronic Publishing
EPEastern Province (South Africa)
EPExecutive Protection
EPEpoxy Paint
EPETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) Project
EPEdge of Pavement (surveying)
EPEstate Planning
EPElectronic Principles
EPEducation Plan
EPEmergency Procedure
EPEuropean Plan (hospitality industry)
EPEnlisted Personnel
EPEthylene Propylene
EPElectro Plating
EPElbow Pad
EPExplosion Proof
EPEntitled Parent
EPEcole Polytechnique (Paris, France)
EPEveryday People (song)
EPEvolutionary Psychology
EPEvolutionary Programming
EPEmulator Program
EPEvoked Potential
EPEarth Probe
EPEscalation Protocol (gaming)
EPEmergency Pump
EPEssential Power
EPEvening Post (New Zealand newspaper)
EPEdible Portion (weight)
EPEnterprise Planning
EPEuropean Perspective
EPEctopic Pregnancy
EPElite People
EPEnzootic Pneumonia (swine mycoplasmosis)
EPExploration Permit
EPEducational Publication
EPEquator Principles
EPEnvironmental Profile
EPEnd-Use Product (environment)
EPElectron Potential
EPEmployee Plans
EPEast Point (southwest Atlanta, GA, USA)
EPEditorial Photographers
EPEmergency Protection (nuclear reactors)
EPEmployment-to-Population Ratio
EPEuropean Pharmacopoeia
EPExtraction Procedure (toxicity)
EPEconomic Prosperity
EPExtreme Power (retreat for churches in MN)
EPEcumenical Patriarch (religious)
EPEqual Population (sectorization method)
EPEngineering Phase
EPEngineering Proposal
EPElectronic Printer
EPEmpresa Pública (Portugal)
EPEarly Production (Record)
EPEpileptic Psychosis (neurology)
EPE-Prostanoid Receptors
EPEngineering Procedure
EPEdge Proxy (SIP)
EPElectrical Parameter
EPEarly Position (poker)
EPEastern Pacific
EPExperience Points (gaming)
EPEmergency Procurement (various locations)
EPExchange Participant (International Association of Students in Economics and Management)
EPError Pattern
EPEquipment Publication
EPElectrostatic Process
EPEye Piece (optics, astronomy)
EPEvening Prayer
EPEquine Piroplasmosis (tick-borne disease)
EPEarning Potential
EPEqual Partition
EPEvaluation Plan
EPEconomic Profit
EPElectronic Publication
EPEquivalent Persons
EPEagle Project (various organizations)
EPExtramural Programs (National Library of Medicine bureau)
EPEmission Policy
EPExploration Plan
EPEquivalent Personnel
EPEnterprise Payments
EPExtra Player (extra batter in slow pitch softball)
EPEstimated Position
EPEngineer Pamphlet (Army Corps of Engineers)
EPEasy Pass
EPEarned Premium (insurance)
EPEquipment Priority
EPElbow Pitch
EPExternally Powered
EPEssential Pivot
EPExperimental Product
EPEntity Paradigm (band)
EPEvaluation Package
EPExplosive Package
EPEncroachment Partnering
EPEarth Penetrator
EPEarth Prayer
EPExtended Protocol
EPEnd Phenomena (Scientology)
EPExtended Plan
EPExplorer Platform
EPExternal Publication
EPEarnings-to-Price (investments)
EPEvangelii Praecones (Latin)
EPErrorprint (assembly language ASM51 assembler control)
EPExército Português
EPEpididymal Protein
EPExclusively Pump (nursing mothers)
EPEmancipation Patent
EPElectrum Piece (gaming)
EPEnhancement Predicted
EPEarth Protectors
EPEbony Polished (piano manufacturing)
EPEssais Périodiques (French: Periodic Testing)
EPEnviro-Protect (Cameroon)
EPElectronic Prevention
EPExecutive Protector (life insurance)
EPErythropoeitic Porphyria
EPElazul's Pad (website)
EPExhibition Proofs (art)
EPEmergency Preparednesss/Preparation
EPElektro Phalasteeni (artist)
EPExternship Prep
EPTraining Effectiveness Evaluation Plan
EPEdmonton Planet (website)
EPPredictive Orbital Element