Acronym | Definition |
CTM | Chinese Traditional Medicine |
CTM | Community Trade Mark (Europe) |
CTM | Corporate Travel Management |
CTM | Cisco Transport Manager |
CTM | Central Trade Manager |
CTM | Continuum (gaming) |
CTM | Current Transformation Matrix (graphics) |
CTM | Centre Technique Municipal (French: Municipal Technical Center) |
CTM | Communication Technology Management (various schools) |
CTM | Capable to Match |
CTM | Chemical Transport Model |
CTM | Confederacion de Trabajadores de Mexico (Spanish: Confederation of Mexican Workers) |
CTM | Clock to Master |
CTM | Compact Trace Module |
CTM | Catalog Management |
CTM | Catalog Template |
CTM | Current Transformation Matrix |
CTM | Central Timer Module |
CTM | Color Text Mode |
CTM | Close to Machine (computing) |
CTM | Competent Toastmaster |
CTM | Concept to Market (various locations) |
CTM | Chicken Tikka Masala (meal) |
CTM | Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics (series) |
CTM | Certified Technology Manager (Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering) |
CTM | Clinical Trial Material |
CTM | Corporate Translation Management (software) |
CTM | Compagnie de Transports du Morbihan (French transportation company) |
CTM | Clinical Trial Manager (pharmaceutical industry) |
CTM | Cordless Terminal Mobility |
CTM | Connective Tissue Massage |
CTM | Cheneau-Toulouse-Munster (French scoliosis brace) |
CTM | Center for Traditional Medicine (Olympia, WA) |
CTM | Coordinate Transformation Matrix (mathematics) |
CTM | Ceramic Tile Manufacturer (various locations) |
CTM | Complaint Tracking Module (various organizations) |
CTM | Communication Theory and Methodology (Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication) |
CTM | Cellule Tumorali Maligne (Italian: Malignant Cancer Cells) |
CTM | Centralized Technical Management |
CTM | Chemistry and Transport Model |
CTM | Center for Telecommunications Management (University of Southern California) |
CTM | Cell Transfer Matrix |
CTM | Count That Money (band) |
CTM | Center for Tactical Magic |
CTM | Conventional Trident Modification (US DoD) |
CTM | Cryptologic Technician (Maintenance) (USN Rating) |
CTM | Chaudronnerie Teulet Monbazillac (French boilermaking company) |
CTM | Core Target Material (US DoD) |
CTM | Chaudronnerie Tôlerie des Moulineaux (French boilermaking company) |
CTM | Component Transaction Monitor |
CTM | Cash Ticket Machine |
CTM | Choose To Move (American Heart Association physical activity program) |
CTM | Cycle Time Management |
CTM | Campaign for Truth in Medicine (advocacy) |
CTM | Crop Tree Management (forestry) |
CTM | Compost Technologie du Mée (French waste composting facility) |
CTM | Chief Torpedoman's Mate (US Navy) |
CTM | Circular Texture Meter |
CTM | Cellular Text Modem |
CTM | Cash To Master (shipping) |
CTM | Clock and Tone Module |
CTM | Circle Trip Minimum Check (airlines) |
CTM | Communications Terminal Module |
CTM | Contract Technical Manager |
CTM | Chief Traffic Manager |
CTM | Contribution to Margin (pricing) |
CTM | Cellular Telephone Modem |
CTM | Chuckling to Myself |
CTM | Component Technical Manual |
CTM | Conformal Transformation Method |
CTM | Crystalline Transitional Material (NASA) |
CTM | Controinformazione Terzo Mondo-Movimondo (Italian) |
CTM | Communications Test Message |
CTM | Custody Transfer Meter (oil & gas) |
CTM | Corporate Turnaround Management |
CTM | Cadet Training Manual |
CTM | Christianity for the Third Millennium, Inc. (based on the teachings of Bishop John Shelby Spong) |
CTM | Career Terminating Move |
CTM | Charge-Transfer Modulation |
CTM | Contract Task Manager |
CTM | Cryogenic Tank Maintenance |
CTM | Coordinated Turn Model |
CTM | Consejo de Trabajadores Méxicanos (Mexican Union) |
CTM | Catholic Traditionalist Movement, Inc. (Westbury, NY; est. 1964) |
CTM | Council of Technical Managers |
CTM | Composite Track Management |
CTM | Counter Terrorism Measure |
CTM | Collective Training Missile |
CTM | Comprehensive Target Metric |
CTM | Combat Training Manual |
CTM | Compliance Task Matrix |
CTM | Christian Theater Ministries (Texas) |
CTM | Centro Technológica del Mármol (French) |