CTMChinese Traditional Medicine
CTMCommunity Trade Mark (Europe)
CTMCorporate Travel Management
CTMCisco Transport Manager
CTMCentral Trade Manager
CTMContinuum (gaming)
CTMCurrent Transformation Matrix (graphics)
CTMCentre Technique Municipal (French: Municipal Technical Center)
CTMCommunication Technology Management (various schools)
CTMCapable to Match
CTMChemical Transport Model
CTMConfederacion de Trabajadores de Mexico (Spanish: Confederation of Mexican Workers)
CTMClock to Master
CTMCompact Trace Module
CTMCatalog Management
CTMCatalog Template
CTMCurrent Transformation Matrix
CTMCentral Timer Module
CTMColor Text Mode
CTMClose to Machine (computing)
CTMCompetent Toastmaster
CTMConcept to Market (various locations)
CTMChicken Tikka Masala (meal)
CTMCambridge Tracts in Mathematics (series)
CTMCertified Technology Manager (Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering)
CTMClinical Trial Material
CTMCorporate Translation Management (software)
CTMCompagnie de Transports du Morbihan (French transportation company)
CTMClinical Trial Manager (pharmaceutical industry)
CTMCordless Terminal Mobility
CTMConnective Tissue Massage
CTMCheneau-Toulouse-Munster (French scoliosis brace)
CTMCenter for Traditional Medicine (Olympia, WA)
CTMCoordinate Transformation Matrix (mathematics)
CTMCeramic Tile Manufacturer (various locations)
CTMComplaint Tracking Module (various organizations)
CTMCommunication Theory and Methodology (Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication)
CTMCellule Tumorali Maligne (Italian: Malignant Cancer Cells)
CTMCentralized Technical Management
CTMChemistry and Transport Model
CTMCenter for Telecommunications Management (University of Southern California)
CTMCell Transfer Matrix
CTMCount That Money (band)
CTMCenter for Tactical Magic
CTMConventional Trident Modification (US DoD)
CTMCryptologic Technician (Maintenance) (USN Rating)
CTMChaudronnerie Teulet Monbazillac (French boilermaking company)
CTMCore Target Material (US DoD)
CTMChaudronnerie Tôlerie des Moulineaux (French boilermaking company)
CTMComponent Transaction Monitor
CTMCash Ticket Machine
CTMChoose To Move (American Heart Association physical activity program)
CTMCycle Time Management
CTMCampaign for Truth in Medicine (advocacy)
CTMCrop Tree Management (forestry)
CTMCompost Technologie du Mée (French waste composting facility)
CTMChief Torpedoman's Mate (US Navy)
CTMCircular Texture Meter
CTMCellular Text Modem
CTMCash To Master (shipping)
CTMClock and Tone Module
CTMCircle Trip Minimum Check (airlines)
CTMCommunications Terminal Module
CTMContract Technical Manager
CTMChief Traffic Manager
CTMContribution to Margin (pricing)
CTMCellular Telephone Modem
CTMChuckling to Myself
CTMComponent Technical Manual
CTMConformal Transformation Method
CTMCrystalline Transitional Material (NASA)
CTMControinformazione Terzo Mondo-Movimondo (Italian)
CTMCommunications Test Message
CTMCustody Transfer Meter (oil & gas)
CTMCorporate Turnaround Management
CTMCadet Training Manual
CTMChristianity for the Third Millennium, Inc. (based on the teachings of Bishop John Shelby Spong)
CTMCareer Terminating Move
CTMCharge-Transfer Modulation
CTMContract Task Manager
CTMCryogenic Tank Maintenance
CTMCoordinated Turn Model
CTMConsejo de Trabajadores Méxicanos (Mexican Union)
CTMCatholic Traditionalist Movement, Inc. (Westbury, NY; est. 1964)
CTMCouncil of Technical Managers
CTMComposite Track Management
CTMCounter Terrorism Measure
CTMCollective Training Missile
CTMComprehensive Target Metric
CTMCombat Training Manual
CTMCompliance Task Matrix
CTMChristian Theater Ministries (Texas)
CTMCentro Technológica del Mármol (French)