Acronym | Definition |
CTP | Community Technology Preview |
CTP | Computer-To-Plate (prepress/printing process) |
CTP | Corporate Training Program (various companies) |
CTP | Creative Teaching Press (California) |
CTP | Compulsory Third Party (insurance) |
CTP | Comité Technique Paritaire (French: Joint Technical Committee) |
CTP | Consulente Tecnico di Parte (Italian: Party-Appointed Expert) |
CTP | Certified Treasury Professional |
CTP | Centre Technique du Papier (French: Paper Technical Center) |
CTP | Chemisch Thermische Prozesstechnik GmbH (German chemical company) |
CTP | Community Technical Preview (Microsoft) |
CTP | Centri Territoriali Permanenti (Italian: Permanent Territorial Center) |
CTP | Contrat de Transition Professionnelle (French: Contract of Employment Transition; employee dismissal) |
CTP | Communauté de Travail des Pyrénées (French: Working Community of the Pyrenees) |
CTP | Certified Translation Professional (Global Translation Institute; Portland, OR) |
CTP | Center for Theoretical Physics (various locations) |
CTP | City Traffic Police (Pakistan) |
CTP | Communications in Theoretical Physics (journal) |
CTP | Cyclic Time Processor |
CTP | Conformance Testing Program |
CTP | Command Transfer Processor |
CTP | Cpu Thermal Protection |
CTP | Central Trigger Processor |
CTP | Communications Timing Procedure |
CTP | Cisco Transport Planner |
CTP | Creative Technology Playcenter |
CTP | Connectivity Testing Platform |
CTP | Certified Training Providers |
CTP | Capability to Promise |
CTP | Corel Training Partner |
CTP | Computer to Plate |
CTP | Computer to Print |
CTP | Collection Tree Protocol |
CTP | Convergence Technologies Professional |
CTP | Cooperating Technical Partners (US FEMA) |
CTP | Cytidine Triphosphate |
CTP | Republican Turkish Party (Turkish Cypriot Area) |
CTP | Composite Theoretical Performance |
CTP | CashTransfer Program (humanitarian response) |
CTP | Closed Time Path (physics) |
CTP | Countywide Transportation Plan (various locations) |
CTP | Capable To Promise |
CTP | Career Transition Partnership (UK) |
CTP | Certificate to Prescribe (Ohio) |
CTP | Closed Throttle Position |
CTP | Cordless Telephony Profile |
CTP | Cordless Telephony Profile (Bluetooth) |
CTP | Call to Power (computer game) |
CTP | Concept to Production |
CTP | Criminal Trespass (law) |
CTP | Computer-To-Press (printing from computer files) |
CTP | Child-Turcotte-Pugh (liver disease severity scoring system) |
CTP | Conventional Treatment Plants (wastewater) |
CTP | Center for Tax Policy (Denver, CO) |
CTP | Common Tactical Picture (GCCS) |
CTP | Cape Town Partnership (South Africa) |
CTP | Commissione Tributaria Provinciale (Italian: Provincial Tax Commission) |
CTP | Care Trust Plus (UK) |
CTP | Coal Tar Pitch (anode/cathode production) |
CTP | Concept-Travaux-Publics (French construction equipment manufacturer) |
CTP | College Transition Program (various schools) |
CTP | Création et Travaux du Paysage (French: Creation and Landscape Works) |
CTP | Communications Technology Platform (Nexent) |
CTP | Comprehensive Training Plan |
CTP | Communications Technology Professionals (Colorado) |
CTP | Confederacion de Trabajadores del Peru (Confederation of Workers of Peru) |
CTP | Culinary Training Program (various locations) |
CTP | Cellular Therapy Product |
CTP | Cloud Top Pressure |
CTP | Clouzet Téléphonie Privé (French telecommunications company) |
CTP | Custom Training Program |
CTP | Certified Turfgrass Professional |
CTP | Chicago Technology Park (university-related business incubator; Chicago, IL) |
CTP | Chamber Theatre Productions (Boston, MA) |
CTP | Circuit to Packet |
CTP | Community Transportation Program |
CTP | Closest To Pin (golf, disc golf) |
CTP | California Transportation Plan |
CTP | Cambridge Technology Partners, Inc. (Cambridge, Massachusetts) |
CTP | Chevronnet Travaux Publics (French: Chevronnet Public Works) |
CTP | Chief Test Pilot |
CTP | Certified Transportation Professional (National Private Truck Council) |
CTP | Conventional Terrestrial Pole |
CTP | Community Treatment Programs (NIDA) |
CTP | Cible Tarbes Pyrénées (French shooting club) |
CTP | Connection Termination Point |
CTP | Cámara de Turismo de Pucón (Spanish: Chamber of Tourism of Pucón; Pucón, Chile) |
CTP | Construction Tradition Pierre (French construction company) |
CTP | Centre Terre et Pierre (Belgium technology center) |
CTP | Critical to Process |
CTP | Car-Tune-Products (German company) |
CTP | Communications Technologies Program (various companies) |
CTP | Chronic Testicular Pain |
CTP | China Teaching Project (est. 1994; Richard Ivey School of Business; Canada) |
CTP | Cartoon Television Program |
CTP | Common Transport Protocol |
CTP | Cheyenne Transit Program |
CTP | Certification Test Plan |
CTP | Course Training Plan |
CTP | Capitol Telecommunications Professionals |
CTP | Chartered Teacher Programme (UK) |
CTP | Critical Technical Parameter(s) |
CTP | Consistent Tactical Picture |
CTP | Chloroplastic Transit Peptide |
CTP | Certified Texas Purchaser |
CTP | Championship Tractor Pull |
CTP | CEBAF Test Package |
CTP | Comprehensive Test Plan |
CTP | Charleston Tea Plantation |
CTP | Communications Timing Procedure (NASA) |
CTP | Constant Threshold Predictor |
CTP | Certified Turnaround Practitioner |
CTP | Commitment To Perform |
CTP | Cyclic Time Processor (NASA) |
CTP | Critical Temperature and Pressure (chemistry) |
CTP | Champion Tree Project |
CTP | Contract Tower Program |
CTP | Confédération des Travailleurs du Pérou (French: Confederation of Peru Workers) |
CTP | Joint China-IMF Training Program |
CTP | Continuum Training Plan |
CTP | Consolidated Telecommunications Program |
CTP | Communications Terminal Processor |
CTP | Core Temperature Pill |
CTP | Clinical Trials Protocols |
CTP | Coherent Tactical Picture |
CTP | Critical Timing Path |
CTP | Cell Transponder Probe |
CTP | Consolidated Test Plan |
CTP | Cowtipping Productions |
CTP | Commissioning Test Procedure |
CTP | Canonical Trace Property |
CTP | Communications Tasking Plan |
CTP | Charge Transfer Photography |
CTP | Composites Technology Park |
CTP | Coordinated Test Plan/Program |
CTP | Civilian Training Program |
CTP | Compute-Transfer Parallelism (part of application parralellism in computing) |
CTP | Cyclotripiperonylene |
CTP | Command Training Package |
CTP | Critical Test Parameter |
CTP | Corning Telecommunications Products |
CTP | Common Timing Protocol |