CTPCommunity Technology Preview
CTPComputer-To-Plate (prepress/printing process)
CTPCorporate Training Program (various companies)
CTPCreative Teaching Press (California)
CTPCompulsory Third Party (insurance)
CTPComité Technique Paritaire (French: Joint Technical Committee)
CTPConsulente Tecnico di Parte (Italian: Party-Appointed Expert)
CTPCertified Treasury Professional
CTPCentre Technique du Papier (French: Paper Technical Center)
CTPChemisch Thermische Prozesstechnik GmbH (German chemical company)
CTPCommunity Technical Preview (Microsoft)
CTPCentri Territoriali Permanenti (Italian: Permanent Territorial Center)
CTPContrat de Transition Professionnelle (French: Contract of Employment Transition; employee dismissal)
CTPCommunauté de Travail des Pyrénées (French: Working Community of the Pyrenees)
CTPCertified Translation Professional (Global Translation Institute; Portland, OR)
CTPCenter for Theoretical Physics (various locations)
CTPCity Traffic Police (Pakistan)
CTPCommunications in Theoretical Physics (journal)
CTPCyclic Time Processor
CTPConformance Testing Program
CTPCommand Transfer Processor
CTPCpu Thermal Protection
CTPCentral Trigger Processor
CTPCommunications Timing Procedure
CTPCisco Transport Planner
CTPCreative Technology Playcenter
CTPConnectivity Testing Platform
CTPCertified Training Providers
CTPCapability to Promise
CTPCorel Training Partner
CTPComputer to Plate
CTPComputer to Print
CTPCollection Tree Protocol
CTPConvergence Technologies Professional
CTPCooperating Technical Partners (US FEMA)
CTPCytidine Triphosphate
CTPRepublican Turkish Party (Turkish Cypriot Area)
CTPComposite Theoretical Performance
CTPCashTransfer Program (humanitarian response)
CTPClosed Time Path (physics)
CTPCountywide Transportation Plan (various locations)
CTPCapable To Promise
CTPCareer Transition Partnership (UK)
CTPCertificate to Prescribe (Ohio)
CTPClosed Throttle Position
CTPCordless Telephony Profile
CTPCordless Telephony Profile (Bluetooth)
CTPCall to Power (computer game)
CTPConcept to Production
CTPCriminal Trespass (law)
CTPComputer-To-Press (printing from computer files)
CTPChild-Turcotte-Pugh (liver disease severity scoring system)
CTPConventional Treatment Plants (wastewater)
CTPCenter for Tax Policy (Denver, CO)
CTPCommon Tactical Picture (GCCS)
CTPCape Town Partnership (South Africa)
CTPCommissione Tributaria Provinciale (Italian: Provincial Tax Commission)
CTPCare Trust Plus (UK)
CTPCoal Tar Pitch (anode/cathode production)
CTPConcept-Travaux-Publics (French construction equipment manufacturer)
CTPCollege Transition Program (various schools)
CTPCréation et Travaux du Paysage (French: Creation and Landscape Works)
CTPCommunications Technology Platform (Nexent)
CTPComprehensive Training Plan
CTPCommunications Technology Professionals (Colorado)
CTPConfederacion de Trabajadores del Peru (Confederation of Workers of Peru)
CTPCulinary Training Program (various locations)
CTPCellular Therapy Product
CTPCloud Top Pressure
CTPClouzet Téléphonie Privé (French telecommunications company)
CTPCustom Training Program
CTPCertified Turfgrass Professional
CTPChicago Technology Park (university-related business incubator; Chicago, IL)
CTPChamber Theatre Productions (Boston, MA)
CTPCircuit to Packet
CTPCommunity Transportation Program
CTPClosest To Pin (golf, disc golf)
CTPCalifornia Transportation Plan
CTPCambridge Technology Partners, Inc. (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
CTPChevronnet Travaux Publics (French: Chevronnet Public Works)
CTPChief Test Pilot
CTPCertified Transportation Professional (National Private Truck Council)
CTPConventional Terrestrial Pole
CTPCommunity Treatment Programs (NIDA)
CTPCible Tarbes Pyrénées (French shooting club)
CTPConnection Termination Point
CTPCámara de Turismo de Pucón (Spanish: Chamber of Tourism of Pucón; Pucón, Chile)
CTPConstruction Tradition Pierre (French construction company)
CTPCentre Terre et Pierre (Belgium technology center)
CTPCritical to Process
CTPCar-Tune-Products (German company)
CTPCommunications Technologies Program (various companies)
CTPChronic Testicular Pain
CTPChina Teaching Project (est. 1994; Richard Ivey School of Business; Canada)
CTPCartoon Television Program
CTPCommon Transport Protocol
CTPCheyenne Transit Program
CTPCertification Test Plan
CTPCourse Training Plan
CTPCapitol Telecommunications Professionals
CTPChartered Teacher Programme (UK)
CTPCritical Technical Parameter(s)
CTPConsistent Tactical Picture
CTPChloroplastic Transit Peptide
CTPCertified Texas Purchaser
CTPChampionship Tractor Pull
CTPCEBAF Test Package
CTPComprehensive Test Plan
CTPCharleston Tea Plantation
CTPCommunications Timing Procedure (NASA)
CTPConstant Threshold Predictor
CTPCertified Turnaround Practitioner
CTPCommitment To Perform
CTPCyclic Time Processor (NASA)
CTPCritical Temperature and Pressure (chemistry)
CTPChampion Tree Project
CTPContract Tower Program
CTPConfédération des Travailleurs du Pérou (French: Confederation of Peru Workers)
CTPJoint China-IMF Training Program
CTPContinuum Training Plan
CTPConsolidated Telecommunications Program
CTPCommunications Terminal Processor
CTPCore Temperature Pill
CTPClinical Trials Protocols
CTPCoherent Tactical Picture
CTPCritical Timing Path
CTPCell Transponder Probe
CTPConsolidated Test Plan
CTPCowtipping Productions
CTPCommissioning Test Procedure
CTPCanonical Trace Property
CTPCommunications Tasking Plan
CTPCharge Transfer Photography
CTPComposites Technology Park
CTPCoordinated Test Plan/Program
CTPCivilian Training Program
CTPCompute-Transfer Parallelism (part of application parralellism in computing)
CTPCommand Training Package
CTPCritical Test Parameter
CTPCorning Telecommunications Products
CTPCommon Timing Protocol