GKSGraphical Kernel System
GKSGlobal Korea Scholarship (South Korea)
GKSGod King Scenario
GKSGod's Kingdom Society
GKSGereja Kristen Sumba (Indonesian: Christian Church of Sumba)
GKSGemmologisch Kontrollierte Steinqualitaet (German: Controlled Gemological Quality Stone)
GKSGórniczy Klub Sportowy (Polish: Mining Sports Club; Polish football club)
GKSGold Key Service (US Department of Commerce)
GKSGujarat Knowledge Society (India)
GKSGesellschaft für Kanada-Studien (German: Society for Canadian Studies)
GKSGradeska Knjiznica Samobor (Croatian library)
GKSGamma Knife Surgery
GKSGdanski Klub Sportowy (Gdansk, Poland)
GKSGraphics Kernel System
GKSGuns Knives Survival (web resource)
GKSGlobal Knowledge Software
GKSGravitie Knowledge Services (India)
GKSGolden Knights Security (est. 2004; Hollywood, FL)
GKSGrafisches Kernsystem (German: Graphical Kernel system)
GKSGoo King Sword (gaming, Breath of Fire III and IV)
GKSGruss, Kuss, Schluss