Acronym | Definition |
CMO | Chief Marketing Officer (various companies) |
CMO | Chi-Mei Optoelectronics (TFT/LCD monitor technology) |
CMO | Chief Medical Officer |
CMO | Central Meteorological Observatory (Japan) |
CMO | Crédit Mutuel Océan (French bank) |
CMO | Congés de Maladie Ordinaire (French: Regular Sick Leave) |
CMO | Communications and Marketing Office (various locations) |
CMO | Cardiomyopathy |
CMO | Campus Ministry Office (various locations) |
CMO | Collateralized Mortgage Obligation |
CMO | Cubic Mile of Oil (energy unit) |
CMO | Chief Merchandising Officer (various companies) |
CMO | Configuration Management Office |
CMO | Court-Martial Order (US military) |
CMO | Civil-Military Operations |
CMO | Chemult (Amtrak station code; Chemult, OR) |
CMO | Contractor Management Outsourcing |
CMO | Care Management Organization |
CMO | Creep Me Out |
CMO | Communication Médiatisée par Ordinateur (French: Computer Mediated Communication) |
CMO | Chief Military Observer (US DoD) |
CMO | Contract Manufacturing Organisation |
CMO | Contract Management Office |
CMO | Centre Missionnaire Oblat (French: Oblate Missionary Center; Canada) |
CMO | Chief Morale Officer (various organizations) |
CMO | Constructions Modernes de l'Ouest (French: Modern Buildings of the West) |
CMO | Current Market Outlook |
CMO | Chief Magic Official (Disney job) |
CMO | Check Me Out |
CMO | Common Market Organization (European Union) |
CMO | Care Management Officer (health care) |
CMO | Cisco Mobile Office |
CMO | Centre Militaire d'Océanographie (French: Military Oceanography Center) |
CMO | Clezardin Machines et Outillages (French machinery manufacturer) |
CMO | Contract Modification Order |
CMO | Certificate Management Office |
CMO | Count Me Out |
CMO | Caribbean Meteorological Organization |
CMO | Council of Ministers' Office (various organizations) |
CMO | Construction Métallique de l'Ouest (French steel construction company) |
CMO | Comfort Measures Only (similar to hospice care) |
CMO | Configuration Management Office(r) |
CMO | Carrelage et Moquette de l'Océan (French flooring company) |
CMO | Crisis Management Operations |
CMO | Customs Memorandum Order (Philippines) |
CMO | Competitive Mounted Orienteering (equestrian sport) |
CMO | Collections Management Office(r) (US DoD) |
CMO | Central MASINT Office (now Central MASINT Organization) |
CMO | Construction Modulaire Organisation (French: Modular Construction Organization) |
CMO | Constructions Mécaniques Outillages (French: Mechanical Construction Tools) |
CMO | Central Moneymarkets Office (UK banking) |
CMO | Corticosterone Methyloxidase |
CMO | City Managers Office |
CMO | Central MASINT Organization (formerly Central MASINT Office) |
CMO | Chief Maintenance Officer |
CMO | Civil-Military Overview (NATO) |
CMO | Centro Médico Oftálmico (Spanish: Ophthalmic Medical Center) |
CMO | Civil-Military Officer |
CMO | Cash Management Officer (job title) |
CMO | Chief Mortgage Officer (various companies) |
CMO | Canonical Molecular Orbital |
CMO | Cincinnati Metropolitan Orchestra (Cincinnati, OH) |
CMO | Collective Management Organization (World Intellectual Property Organization) |
CMO | Current Mode of Operation |
CMO | Catholic Media Office (UK) |
CMO | Convoy Movement Order |
CMO | Crisis Management Organization |
CMO | Contract Manufacturing Operation |
CMO | Chinese Mathematics Olympiad |
CMO | Calculated Mean Organism |
CMO | Carpathian Mountain Outreach (Ukraine) |
CMO | Configuration Management Organization |
CMO | Coverage Mission Order |
CMO | Commodore's Messenger Organisation |
CMO | Centro Médico Odescalchi (Italian) |
CMO | Centrum Mot Olikfientlighet (Sweden) |
CMO | Court of Military Order (Congo) |
CMO | Corporate Manufacturing Objects |
CMO | Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Omaha Railroad |
CMO | Cash Me Out (poker) |
CMO | Chief Monitoring Officer |
CMO | Communications Management Organization |
CMO | Collection Management Office/Organization |
CMO | Controlled Materials Officer |
CMO | Community Manager's Office |
CMO | Centralized Mortgage Obligation |
CMO | Current Method of Operation |
CMO | Clandestine Mission Objective |
CMO | Circuit Management Office |