Acronym | Definition |
CMPC | Coût Moyen Pondéré du Capital (French: Weighted Average Cost of Capital) |
CMPC | Cs Mars Package Checker |
CMPC | Cisco Multi Path Channel |
CMPC | Central Motion Picture Corporation (Taiwan) |
CMPC | Constrained Model Predictive Control |
CMPC | Certified Master Pastry Chef (American Culinary Federation) |
CMPC | Classified Matter Protection and Control |
CMPC | Compañia Manufacturera de Papeles y Cartones S.A. |
CMPC | Communion Marie Porte du Ciel (French religious association) |
CMPC | Cisco Multi-Path Channel |
CMPC | Children's Media Policy Coalition |
CMPC | Central Milk Producers Cooperative |
CMPC | Connecticut Minority Purchasing Council |
CMPC | Clinical Molecular Profiling Core (US NCI; Bethesda, MD) |
CMPC | Classmate Personal Computer |
CMPC | Centraal Medisch Pharmaceutische Commissie (Netherlands) |
CMPC | Coleg Meddygarth Prifysgol Cymru (Welsh: University of Wales College of Medicine) |
CMPC | Captain Maggot's Pyrate Crew |