Acronym | Definition |
FIND | Fixed Interpol Network Database |
FIND | Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics |
FIND | Florida Inland Navigation District |
FIND | Future Internet Network Design (NSF NETS research program) |
FIND | Families of Victims of Involuntary Disappearance (Philippines) |
FIND | Foundation for International Dignity (human rights) |
FIND | Florida Interfaith Networking in Disaster |
FIND | Filipino Intercollegiate Networking Dialogue |
FIND | Federal Information & News Dispatch, Inc. |
FIND | Figure out the problem, Intensify possible solutions, Name pros and cons for each solution and Decide which solution is best and act on it (handling emergencies) |
FIND | FAA Internet National Directory |
FIND | Fault Isolation by Nodal Dependency |
FIND | Framework for the Investigation of Navigation and Disorientation |