FINEFull-Photolithography Inkjet Nozzle Engineering (printer technology)
FINEFine Is not Emacs
FINEFinish Editing
FINEFull Photolithography Inkjet Nozzle Engineering
FINEFine Is Not EMACS (70's vintage text editor for computer mainframes directly preceding contemporary Microsoft Word and WordPerfect)
FINEFreaked Out Insecure Neurotic and Emotional (Italian Job movie)
FINEFrantic, Insane, Nuts and Egotistical
FINEFaithful, Involved, Knowledgeable and Experienced (Alcoholics Anonymous chat slang)
FINEEuropean Federation of Nurse Educators (formerly Federation of International Nurse Educators)
FINEFeeling I’m Nothing to Everyone
FINEFault Injection and Monitoring Environment
FINEFeelings Inside Not Expressed
FINEFrustrated Insecure Neurotic Emotional
FINEFertility Information Network
FINEFeeling Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional
FINEFeeling Inadequate, Needing Encouragement
FINEFouled Up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional (Aerosmith; polite form)
FINEFickle Insecure Neurotic and Emotional
FINEFixed Installation NAIAD Equipment
FINEFoggy Insecure Neurotic Emotional