Acronym | Definition |
FISM | Fondul de Investitii Sociale din Moldova (Romanian: Moldova Social Investment Fund) |
FISM | Flare Irradiance Spectral Model |
FISM | Federation Internationale des Sociétés Magiques (French: International Federation of Magic Societies; Leiderdorp, The Netherlands) |
FISM | Forum International du Son Multicanal (French: International Multichannel Sound Forum) |
FISM | International Federation of Magic Societies |
FISM | Fellow of the Incorporated Society of Musicians (UK) |
FISM | Fellow of the Institute of Service Management |
FISM | Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 |
FISM | Fixed Income Securities Market |
FISM | Factory Inspectorate Specialist Minute (United Kingdom) |
FISM | Five Incredibly Sexy Men (band) |