Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.
Acronym | Definition |
FAG | Find a Grave (gravesite information site) |
FAG | France Active Garantie (French: France Active Garantie) |
FAG | Forces Armées en Guyane (French: Armed Forces in Guyana) |
FAG | Fluorescein Angiogram |
FAG | Fischer AG (German business, now FAG Kugelfischer) |
FAG | Famous Actors Guild |
FAG | Forward Air Controller |
FAG | Fondo Agropecuario de Garantías (Spanish) |
FAG | Forced Air Gas |
FAG | First Assembly of God |
FAG | Forum des Associations de Généralistes (French: Forum of Generalists Associations; Belgium) |
FAG | Fuerza Aerea Guatemalteca (Spanish; Guatemala Air Force) |
FAG | Fabrications Automatiques Gerbelot (French manufacturing company) |
FAG | Film Actor's Guild |
FAG | Former Action Guy |
FAG | Forward Air Guide |
FAG | Feldarbeitsgerät (German armored vehicle) |
FAG | Fast Action Gun (accessory to aid rapid access to weapon) |
FAG | Free-Air Gravity (gradient) |
FAG | Fan Against Gordon (NASCAR) |
FAG | Force Allotment Group |
FAG | Finance and Accounting Group |
FAG | Field Advisory Group |