Acronym | Definition |
ES | El Salvador |
ES | Elementary School |
ES | En Suite (lodging) |
ES | Emergency Services |
ES | Elder Scrolls (video game series) |
ES | Spain (Internet Domain) |
ES | Earth Science |
ES | Expert Systems |
ES | Electrical System (various companies) |
ES | Escape |
ES | España (Spanish: Spain) |
ES | Estonia |
ES | Educational Services |
ES | Environmental Science |
ES | Español (Spanish) |
ES | Executive Summary |
ES | Enterprise Solutions |
ES | Enterprise Server |
ES | Earth Surface |
ES | Environmental Services |
ES | Executive Secretary |
ES | Early Start |
ES | Embryonic Stem |
ES | Energy Shield (gaming) |
ES | Electrical Stimulation |
ES | East Stroudsburg (East Stroudbsburg, PA) |
ES | Effect Size (calculation of intervention effectiveness) |
ES | Employment Service |
ES | Employee Satisfaction |
ES | Education Specialist |
ES | Emergency Shelter |
ES | Electric Seats (automotive) |
ES | Environmental Statement (UK) |
ES | Enterprise Systems |
ES | Extra Strength |
ES | Emmitt Smith (NFL player) |
ES | End System |
ES | Electronic Storage |
ES | Environmental Specialist |
ES | Employment Statistics |
ES | Energy Spectrum |
ES | Electronic Surveillance |
ES | Engineering Sample |
ES | Evolution Strategy |
ES | Emission Spectroscopy |
ES | Ensemble Studios (game company) |
ES | Eurostar (Italian railways) |
ES | Emergency Supply |
ES | Earth Station |
ES | Exchange Student |
ES | Electrospray |
ES | Edison Screw (type of cap on an electric light bulb) |
ES | Electronic Support |
ES | ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) Standard |
ES | Engelmann Spruce (wood) |
ES | Elite Soldiers (gaming clan) |
ES | Effective Size |
ES | Electronic Shopping |
ES | Escape Sequence |
ES | Escape System |
ES | Ecological Survey |
ES | Enforcement Strategy |
ES | Einsteinium (element 99) |
ES | Echo Sounding |
ES | End Strength |
ES | Espírito Santo |
ES | Executive Secretariat |
ES | Emerald Society (District of Columbia Fire Department) |
ES | Executive Schedule |
ES | Electrical Stability |
ES | Equipment Shelf |
ES | European Section |
ES | Edge Switch |
ES | Eligible for Separation |
ES | Éducateur Spécialisé (French: Specialized Educator) |
ES | Enter Shikari (TV show, Japan) |
ES | Elementary Stream |
ES | Environmental Security |
ES | Enough Said |
ES | Earth Simulator |
ES | Enemy Status |
ES | Earth Sustainability |
ES | Excel Saga (anime) |
ES | European Standard |
ES | Electronic Sample |
ES | Electronic Warfare Support |
ES | Elevated Standards (Sony) |
ES | Embedded Simulation |
ES | Exceeds Standards (school grading system) |
ES | Engineering System |
ES | Earth Sensor |
ES | Sporadic E (radio communications) |
ES | Element Stability |
ES | East Seventeen (band) |
ES | Extended Services |
ES | Errored Second |
ES | Enforcement Server (Microsoft) |
ES | Engineering Study |
ES | Engineered Safeguards |
ES | E-Mini S&P 500 |
ES | Economic Severity |
ES | Everyday Sunday |
ES | Equipment Section |
ES | Ejercicio y Salud (Spanish, magazine) |
ES | Engineering Specifications |
ES | Environmental Sampling |
ES | Extra Segment |
ES | Expected Shortfall (risk metric) |
ES | Equipment Specialist |
ES | EXE-Software |
ES | Exercise Sciences |
ES | Exasecond (time measurement) |
ES | Electricité de Strasbourg (French energy provider; aka EdS) |
ES | Executive Sedan |
ES | Explosives Safety |
ES | Exposure Scenario |
ES | English Silver (rabbit breed) |
ES | Equipment Specification |
ES | Extremely High Standard |
ES | English Shepherd (dog breed) |
ES | External Specification |
ES | Edit Switch |
ES | EdgeSoft |
ES | Explorer Scout |
ES | Estimating Service (insurance) |
ES | Essential Studies |
ES | Equipment Scheduling |
ES | Environmental Survival |
ES | Earth Shock (gaming, World of Warcraft Shaman Spell) |
ES | Extraction Steam |
ES | Extended Segment |
ES | Enders Shadow (book) |
ES | Extra Systole (pacemaker) |
ES | Exposed Structure (architecture) |
ES | Enhanced Spiral (Caterpillar hose cover) |
ES | Escape Signal |
ES | Exceptional Survival |
ES | Edit-Strike |
ES | Engrossed in Senate (bill passed and formally typed) |
ES | Extension Segment |
ES | Edge of Shoulder (roadway term) |
ES | Experts Society |
ES | Express Swap |
ES | Ether Ships (Xenosaga game) |
ES | Exploratory Shaft |
ES | External Subscriber |
ES | Ethylene-Propylene Side by Side |
ES | Employment/Employee System |
ES | Exploitation Systems Office (NIMA) |
ES | Enoch Systems (Texas) |
ES | Comment Statement in Execution Stream (software fault) |