Acronym | Definition |
ESAA | École Supérieure d'Art d"Avignon (French: School of Art of Avignon) |
ESAA | École Supérieure Algérienne des Affaires (French: Algerian Higher School of Business) |
ESAA | English Schools' Athletic Association (UK) |
ESAA | Endangered Species Act Amendments |
ESAA | Environmental Services Association of Alberta (Canada) |
ESAA | Elementary School Alumni Association (Florida) |
ESAA | Ecole Superieure d'Arts Appliques d' Aquitaine (French: Graduate School of Applied Arts of Aquitaine; Aquitaine, France) |
ESAA | Employment Standards Amendment Act (Canada) |
ESAA | Employment Security Administration Account |
ESAA | Edgebrook-Sauganash Athletic Association (Chicago, IL) |
ESAA | Electricity Supply Association of Australia Limited |
ESAA | Enterprise Server Acceleration Alliance (Intel) |
ESAA | English Setter Association of America, Inc. |
ESAA | Elite Sports Akademi Aarhus (Denmark) |
ESAA | Egyptian Society of Accountants and Auditors (trade association) |
ESAA | East Side Arts Alliance (Oakland, CA) |
ESAA | Emergency School Aid Act of 1972 |
ESAA | Elementary School Attendance Areas |
ESAA | European Special Activities Area (US Air Force) |
ESAA | East Side Athletic Association (Malden, MA) |
ESAA | Earth Science Advanced Aircraft (NASA) |
ESAA | Ethiopian Students Association of Atlanta (Georgia) |
ESAA | Emergency School Assistance Aid |
ESAA | Estimated Safe and Adequate Amount |
ESAA | Eva Smith Achievement Association (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) |
ESAA | Elliott School Alumni Association |
ESAA | Electrically Small Aperture Antenna |
ESAA | Eastern Shore Art Association, Inc. (Fairhope, AL, USA) |
ESAA | Electronic Satellite Access Authorization |
ESAA | Electrophilic Substructure Alert Analysis |
ESAA | Eastern Shore Alumni Association (Annapolis, MD) |