ESADÉcole Supérieure d'Art Dramatique (French: Superior School of Dramatic Art)
ESADÉcole Supérieure d'Art et de Design (French: School of Art and Design)
ESADEscola Superior de Artes e Design (Portugal)
ESADEmpire State Association of the Deaf
ESADEducación Superior Abierta y Distancia (Spanish: Open and Distance Higher Education; Mexico)
ESADElectronic Safe and Arm Device
ESADEquivalent Still Air Distance (aviation; distance flown, accounting for headwinds or tailwinds)
ESADEat Stuff and Die (polite form)
ESADEarth Science and Applications Division (NASA Hq)
ESADEngineering Sciences and Applications Division
ESADEastern Softball Association of the Deaf