DOFDean of the Faculty (various universities)
DOFDepth of Field (photography)
DOFDirectorate of Food (various nations)
DOFDiario Oficial de la Federacion (Mexico)
DOFDiocese of Florida
DOFDirection of Flight
DOFDirection of Fire
DOFDansk Ornitologisk Forening
DOFDate of Filing (various locations)
DOFDepth Of Focus
DOFDansk Orienterings-Forbund
DOFData over Fiber
DOFDepth of Field
DOFDevice Output Format
DOFDirector of Finance
DOFDouble Old-Fashioned (glassware)
DOFDansk Oplysnings Forbund (Danish: Danish Federal Information)
DOFDrill-on-the-Fly (laser drilling)
DOFDéclaration d'Origine sur Facture (French: Declaration of Origin on Invoice)
DOFDistrict Oise de Football (French football club)
DOFDate of Flight
DOFDeeds of Flesh (band)
DOFDepartment of Finance
DOFDepartment of the Future (Telia; Sweden)
DOFDirect Order Fulfillment
DOFDepot Overhaul Factor
DOFDictators of Fate (gaming group)
DOFDrugs of Faith (band)
DOFDegree Of Freedom
DOFDepartment of Fisheries