Acronym | Definition |
DOF | Dean of the Faculty (various universities) |
DOF | Depth of Field (photography) |
DOF | Directorate of Food (various nations) |
DOF | Diario Oficial de la Federacion (Mexico) |
DOF | Diocese of Florida |
DOF | Direction of Flight |
DOF | Direction of Fire |
DOF | Dansk Ornitologisk Forening |
DOF | Date of Filing (various locations) |
DOF | Depth Of Focus |
DOF | Dansk Orienterings-Forbund |
DOF | Data over Fiber |
DOF | Depth of Field |
DOF | Device Output Format |
DOF | Director of Finance |
DOF | Double Old-Fashioned (glassware) |
DOF | Dansk Oplysnings Forbund (Danish: Danish Federal Information) |
DOF | Drill-on-the-Fly (laser drilling) |
DOF | Déclaration d'Origine sur Facture (French: Declaration of Origin on Invoice) |
DOF | District Oise de Football (French football club) |
DOF | Date of Flight |
DOF | Deeds of Flesh (band) |
DOF | Department of Finance |
DOF | Department of the Future (Telia; Sweden) |
DOF | Direct Order Fulfillment |
DOF | Depot Overhaul Factor |
DOF | Dictators of Fate (gaming group) |
DOF | Drugs of Faith (band) |
DOF | Degree Of Freedom |
DOF | Department of Fisheries |