BRAINBroadband Radio Access for IP-based Networks
BRAINBerlin Research Area Information Network
BRAINBiotechnology Research and Information Network AG (Germany)
BRAINBrent Resource and Information Network (community resource; UK)
BRAINBasic Research in Adaptive Intelligence and Neurocomputing
BRAINBerger Research and Information Network
BRAINBroadband Radio Access Integrated Network
BRAINBlack Racial Attacks Independent Network (London, England, UK)
BRAINBasics, Repeat, Avoid, Inspire, Never (The Laws of Simplicity; John Maeda book)
BRAINBEST (Boosting Engineering Science and Technology) Robotics Artificial Intelligence Node (Sherman, Texas)
BRAINBureau de Recherche d'Affaires et d'Informations de Namur (French: Bureau of Business Research and Information of Namur; Namur, Belgium)