DPEADirectorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals (Scotland, UK)
DPEADos Pueblos Engineering Academy (Goleta, CA)
DPEADos Pueblos Engineering Academy
DPEADiplômes Propres aux Écoles Nationales Supérieures d'Architecture (French architecture degree)
DPEADucatistes Paris et Alentours (French: Education and Around Paris; Paris, France)
DPEADisabled Persons Employment Act (UK)
DPEADépartement de Prévention et d'Etude des Accidents (French: Department of Prevention and Investigation of Accidents; Institut de Protection et de Sûreté Nucléaire)
DPEADeer Park Educators Association
DPEADepartment of Physical Education and Athletics (Pomona College; Claremont, CA)