FHMForest Health Monitoring
FHMFor Him Magazine
FHMFamilial Hemiplegic Migraine
FHMFachhochschule München (Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
FHMFrans Hals Museum (Netherlands)
FHMFlood Hazard Mapping (US FEMA)
FHMForest Health Management (USDA)
FHMFrank Haslam Milan (UK)
FHMFunky House Music
FHMFellow in Hospital Medicine
FHMForbes House Museum (Milton, MA)
FHMFuneral Home Marker (genealogy)
FHMFlorida Holocaust Museum
FHMFire Hydrant Meter
FHMFund for a Healthy Maine
FHMFuel Handling Machine
FHMFlorida Heritage Month (Florida Department of State)
FHMFunctional Hybrid Modeling (multi-domain modeling)
FHMFor Him Ministries
FHMFault-Handling Mechanism