Acronym | Definition |
EPE | Editorial Projects in Education |
EPE | Elvis Presley Enterprises |
EPE | Entreprises pour l'Environnement (French: Companies for the Environment) |
EPE | École des Parents et des Éducateurs (French: School for Parents and Educators) |
EPE | Ente Pubblico Economico (Italian: Economic Public Body) |
EPE | Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (Portuguese: Energy Research Company) |
EPE | Environmental Protection Engineering (various locations) |
EPE | Économie et Politiques d'Elevage (French: Livestock Economics and Policy) |
EPE | Extended Period of Eligibility |
EPE | European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications |
EPE | Espaces Publics et Environnement (French: Environment and Public Spaces) |
EPE | Équipe Pluridisciplinaire d'Evaluation (French: Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team) |
EPE | Expanded Polyethylene |
EPE | Egress Peer Engineering (routing) |
EPE | Every Part Every (production) |
EPE | Expected Positive Exposure (banking) |
EPE | Estimated Position Error |
EPE | European Parliament of Enterprises |
EPE | Extraprostatic Extension |
EPE | English Proficiency Exam |
EPE | Enhanced Performance Engine |
EPE | European Partners for Environment (Belgium) |
EPE | Early Primary Education |
EPE | Examinations for Professional Engineers |
EPE | Electric Potential Energy |
EPE | Enhanced Polyethylene (resin) |
EPE | Everyday Productivity Education (Windows Vista) |
EPE | Executives, Professionals and Entrepreneurs (market segment) |
EPE | Employment Placement Enterprise |
EPE | Energy and Process Engineering |
EPE | Enhanced Privacy and Encryption |
EPE | Entreprise de Plomberie et d'Electricité (French plumbing, heating and electricity company) |
EPE | Elective Physical Education |
EPE | Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia |
EPE | Electronic Processing Equipment |
EPE | Energetic Proton Events |
EPE | Exit Pupil Expander |
EPE | Enterprise & Platform Enabler |
EPE | Experienced Programmer Education (IBM) |
EPE | Expected Potential Exposure (banking) |
EPE | Enterprise and Platform Enabler (US DoD) |