ESSEEuropean Society for the Study of English
ESSEEarth System Science Education
ESSEEnterasys Security Systems Engineer
ESSEEspace des Sciences Sociales Européen (French)
ESSEEnvironmental Scenario Search Engine
ESSEEarth and Space Science and Engineering
ESSEEffective School Self-Evaluation (SICI project)
ESSEEducational Sign Skills Evaluation (sign language)
ESSEExpert System for Software Evaluation
ESSEEarly Slow Start Exit (TCP)
ESSEEcumenical Support Services for the Elderly (Wheaton, IL)
ESSEEmpirical Studies of Software Engineering
ESSEEnvironmental Sciences Student Executive
ESSEEdmonton Symposium on Empirical Studies of Literature and Culture
ESSEEnglish-Serbian-Serbian-English (Dictionary)
ESSEElementary/Secondary School Enrolment
ESSEEternal Secret Society of Entities (blog)