Acronym | Definition |
FII | Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário (Brazilian real estate investment fund) |
FII | Federated Investors Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA) |
FII | Flight Instructor Instrument (aviation test) |
FII | Font Information Interchange |
FII | Foreign Institutional Investor |
FII | Financial Investments, Inc. (various locations) |
FII | Foreign Indirect Investment |
FII | Financial Instrument Identifier |
FII | Flagship Industries, Inc. (Smithtown, NY) |
FII | Falling Into Infinity (Dream Theater album) |
FII | Fundación Instituto de Ingeniería (Caracas, Venezuela) |
FII | Federation of Icelandic Industries |
FII | Financial Information, Inc. |
FII | Federal Item Identification |
FII | Foreign Intelligence Information |
FII | Fluides Ingénierie Internationale (French: International Engineering Fluids) |
FII | Fabrication or Induction of Illness (formerly known as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy) |
FII | Florida-Israel Institute |
FII | Federal Information Infrastructure |
FII | Fiber Innovations, Inc |
FII | Film Institute of India |
FII | Factor 2 Activity |
FII | Florida Innocence Initiative, Inc |