Acronym | Definition |
DSMA | Decoded Stream Memory Area |
DSMA | Distributed Shared Memory Architecture |
DSMA | Digital Sense Multiple Access |
DSMA | Division of Small Manufacturers Assistance (US FDA) |
DSMA | Distributed Systems Management Architecture |
DSMA | Distal Spinal Muscular Atrophy |
DSMA | Détachement du Service Militaire Adapté (French: Adapted Military Service Detachment) |
DSMA | Deviation-Scaled Moving Average (investing) |
DSMA | Door and Shutter Manufacturers' Association (UK) |
DSMA | Data Sense Multiple Access |
DSMA | Datagram Sensing Multiple Access |
DSMA | Defence Safety Management Agency (Australia) |
DSMA | Defence Services Medical Academy (Myanmar) |
DSMA | Doylestown School of Music and the Arts (Doylestown, PA) |
DSMA | Dallas Softball Managers Association (Dallas, Texas) |
DSMA | Disodium Methyl Arsonate |
DSMA | Downtown San Mateo Association (San Mateo, CA) |
DSMA | Distinguished Sales and Marketing Award (trademark of Sales & Marketing Executives International, Inc.) |
DSMA | Distributed Systems and Mobile Agents |
DSMA | Dartmouth School Music Association |
DSMA | Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy (Ukraine) |
DSMA | Dhaka Statistical Metropolitan Area (Bangladesh) |
DSMA | Doctoral Student Management Association |
DSMA | Digital Strong Motion Accelerograph |
DSMA | Defense Spectrum Management Architecture (US DoD) |
DSMA | Disodium Methane Arsenate |
DSMA | Delhi Strong Motion Accelerograph |
DSMA | Divine Science Ministers Association |
DSMA | Distributed Scheduling Multiple Access |
DSMA | Downtown Seneca Merchant's Association (Seneca, SC) |
DSMA | Dynamic Stock Market Analysis |
DSMA | Defense Supply Management Agency |
DSMA | Decision Systems Management Agency |
DSMA | Department of Security on Military Affairs (Burma) |
DSMA | Darien Special Management Area |
DSMA | Daily Soil Moisture Accounting |
DSMA | Direct Support Maintenance Activity |
DSMA | Directorate of Shipping and Maritime Affairs |
DSMA | District Supply and Marketing Agency |
DSMA | Data and Safety Monitoring Advisor |
DSMA | Disodium Methylarsonic Acid |
DSMA | Delta Service Maintenance Aéronautique (French: Delta Aeronautical Maintenance Service) |
DSMA | Developmental Studies Mathematics (course) |
DSMA | Day-Specific Moving Average |
DSMA | Director, Scientific and Medical Affairs |
DSMA | Division for Service and Mission in America |
DSMA | Detailed Station Message Accounting |
DSMA | Diet and Stress Management in Angina (clinical trial) |
DSMA | Disodium Salt of Methanearsonic Acid |
DSMA | Defense Superior Management Award (US DoD) |
DSMA | Dual Simple Moving Average |
DSMA | Digital Sales and Marketing Automation |
DSMA | Douglas Santa Monica Airfoil |
DSMA | Deterministic Seismic Margin Assessment |
DSMA | Distributed Storage Management Architecture |
DSMA | Dilworth, Secord, Meager, and Associates |