DOHDeliriously Overcome with Hilarity (chat/internet)
DOHDepartment of Health (various locations)
DOHDirectorate of Health (various locations)
DOHDepartment of Health
DOHDukes Of Hazzard
DOHDepartment of Hydrology (various organizations)
DOHDivision of Highways
DOHDetroit Opera House (Detroit, MI)
DOHDepartment of Housing
DOHDepending on Heels
DOHDocument Operations Handbook
DOHDestination Option Header
DOHDepartment of Highways (Thailand)
DOHDate of Hire
DOHDeclaration of Helsinki (medical ethics; World Medical Association)
DOHDays on Hand (inventory)
DOHDoha, Qatar - Doha (Airport Code)
DOHDefenders of Honor (gaming, Counter-Strike: Source Clan)
DOHDouble Over Head (waves)
DOHDepartmental Overhead (USACE)
DOHDNS (Domain Name System) over HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)
DOHDepartment of Hell (gaming)