Acronym | Definition |
DOH | Deliriously Overcome with Hilarity (chat/internet) |
DOH | Department of Health (various locations) |
DOH | Directorate of Health (various locations) |
DOH | Department of Health |
DOH | Dukes Of Hazzard |
DOH | Department of Hydrology (various organizations) |
DOH | Division of Highways |
DOH | Detroit Opera House (Detroit, MI) |
DOH | Department of Housing |
DOH | Depending on Heels |
DOH | Document Operations Handbook |
DOH | Destination Option Header |
DOH | Department of Highways (Thailand) |
DOH | Date of Hire |
DOH | Declaration of Helsinki (medical ethics; World Medical Association) |
DOH | Days on Hand (inventory) |
DOH | Doha, Qatar - Doha (Airport Code) |
DOH | Defenders of Honor (gaming, Counter-Strike: Source Clan) |
DOH | Double Over Head (waves) |
DOH | Departmental Overhead (USACE) |
DOH | DNS (Domain Name System) over HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) |
DOH | Department of Hell (gaming) |