Acronym | Definition |
DSN | Data Source Name (database source) |
DSN | Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) |
DSN | Defense Switched Network (formerly AUTOVON) |
DSN | Deep Space Network |
DSN | Dependable Systems and Networks |
DSN | Distributed Sensor Networks |
DSN | Digital Signal |
DSN | Direct Selling News (Texas) |
DSN | Drug Store News (publication) |
DSN | Data Set Name |
DSN | Delivery Status Notification (SMTP) |
DSN | Diabetes Specialist Nurse |
DSN | Distributed Systems Network |
DSN | Device Serial Number |
DSN | Design File |
DSN | Database System Name |
DSN | Default Subsystem Name |
DSN | Defense Switched Network |
DSN | Delivery Status Notification |
DSN | Data Source Name |
DSN | Diplôme Supérieur de Notariat (French notary diploma) |
DSN | Decker School of Nursing (Binghamton University; New York) |
DSN | Domain Server Name |
DSN | Document Serial Number |
DSN | Don't Stop Now |
DSN | Defense Secure Network |
DSN | Digital Subscriber Network |
DSN | Dialysis Surveillance Network |
DSN | Dieppe Scène Nationale (French theatre group) |
DSN | Digital Switched Network |
DSN | Direction du Service National (French: Direction of the National Service) |
DSN | Direct Shopping Network |
DSN | Doctor of Science in Nursing |
DSN | Digital Secure Network |
DSN | Digital Sports Network |
DSN | Defense System Network |
DSN | Drôme Service Nettoyage (French: Drome Cleaning Service) |
DSN | Delta Scuti Network |
DSN | Division Principale de la Sécurité des Installations Nucléaires (French: Main Division of Safety of Nuclear Installations; Switzerland) |
DSN | Distributed Simulations Network |
DSN | Dejerine-Sottas Neuropathy |
DSN | Deep South Network |
DSN | Deployed Soldiers Network |
DSN | Duration of Severe Neutropenia |
DSN | Digital Syndicate Network, LLC (music website) |
DSN | Defense Satellite Network |
DSN | Defense Services Network |
DSN | Disposition Service Notification |
DSN | Dana Supplier Network |
DSN | Data Structure Navigator |
DSN | Digest Safety Net (website) |
DSN | Dermal Septic Necrosis |
DSN | Dedicated Secure Network |
DSN | Defense Subscriber Network |
DSN | Digital System Network |
DSN | Dogbert Static Network (Dilbert comic) |
DSN | Defense Stock Number |
DSN | Diplomatic Studies Network |
DSN | Driver Support Network (Fleet Support Group, UK) |
DSN | Digital Services Network, Inc. |
DSN | Devil Sticks Network |
DSN | Dual Shelf Network |
DSN | Department Service Number |
DSN | Drop Ship Notification |