EMFElectromotive Force
EMFElectromagnetic Field
EMFEclipse Modeling Framework
EMFEthiopian Media Forum
EMFEnhanced Windows Metafile (filename extension)
EMFEndomyocardial Fibrosis (idiopathic disorder)
EMFEnhanced Metafile Format
EMFÉtudiants Musulmants de France (French student Muslim association)
EMFEmpire Music Festival
EMFEuropean Metalworkers' Federation
EMFElectromagnetic Frequency
EMFElectromagnetic Force
EMFEdelweiss Mutual Fund
EMFExtended Metafile Format
EMFElectro Magnetic Field
EMFElement Management Framework
EMFElectro Magnetic Force
EMFEpsom Mad Funkers (band)
EMFEastern Music Festival (Greensboro, North Carolina)
EMFEuropean Multimedia Forum
EMFElectronic Music Foundation
EMFElectro-Motive Force
EMFEducational Media Foundation (Christian radio broadcaster)
EMFEmerging Markets Free (Economist index)
EMFEmergency Medicine Foundation
EMFExperimental Music Festival (various locations)
EMFEmpik Media Fashion (Poland)
EMFElectromagnetic Forming (manufacturing technique)
EMFEmergency Medical Fund
EMFEngineers Mobility Forum
EMFExpeditionary Medical Facility
EMFEllison Medical Foundation
EMFExport Marketing Fund
EMFEvery Man For Himself (song)
EMFEmbarked Military Force
EMFEnhanced Management Framework
EMFEat More Fruit (band)
EMFEmployee Medical Folders
EMFEnlisted Master File
EMFEvent Management Framework (data management)
EMFEuropean Multicultural Foundation
EMFEat More Fish
EMFÉcole de Moto Frontignanaise (French motorcycle school)
EMFEuropean Minigolfsport Federation
EMFEnterprise Management Framework
EMFEasymadeforms (website)
EMFEcole des Métiers de Fribourg
EMFElectro Motoric Force
EMFEmilia-Tan, Major Fairy (anime)
EMFExchange Money Forum (website)
EMFEmployee Master File
EMFEnvironmental Monitoring Fund (Environmetal Impact Assessment)
EMFExxonMobil Foundation
EMFEveritt-Metzger-Flanders Co (automobile manufacturer 1908-1912, Detroit, Mich.)
EMFEmployee's Medical File
EMFEvery Mother's Favourites (band)
EMFEquipment Maintenance Log
EMFEnterprise Management Facility (USCG Telecommunications and Information Systems Command)
EMFExplicit Model Following
EMFError Multiplication Factor
EMFFaculty of Electromechanics
EMFEnvironmental Morale Leave