Acronym | Definition |
EMFA | Estado-Maior da Força Aérea (Portugal) |
EMFA | E-Mail for All (Markle Foundation) |
EMFA | École de Musique Franco-Allemande (French: Franco-German School of Music) |
EMFA | Erbium Micro-Fiber Amplifier |
EMFA | European Mortgage Finance Agency |
EMFA | Elektrik Malzeme Fabrikasi A (Turkey) |
EMFA | Executive Master of Finance and Accounting |
EMFA | Environmental Management Framework Agreement (Canada) |
EMFA | Enterprise Master of Fine Arts |
EMFA | European Managed Futures Association |
EMFA | Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids |
EMFA | Erythrocyte Mediated Force Application |
EMFA | Ecumenical Ministry for Filipinos Abroad |
EMFA | Endosulfan Manufacturers and Formulators Association |
EMFA | Energy and Material Flow Analysis |
EMFA | European Master Franchise Advisory (board) |
EMFA | Export Manufactured Feed Agreement |
EMFA | enlarged middle cranial fossa approach |
EMFA | Enlarged Middle Fossa Approach |
EMFA | Emergency Mountaineering First Aid |
EMFA | Evolving Musical Form Algorithm |
EMFA | Electricians Mate Fireman Apprentice (US Navy) |
EMFA | Extreme Music from Africa |
EMFA | European Mensa Football Association |
EMFA | Extramusical Field of Association |
EMFA | Excitation Modulated Fluorescence Anisotropy |
EMFA | Experimental Music from Andalucia |
EMFA | Edington Music Festival Association (UK) |
EMFA | European Master of Fine Arts |
EMFA | Elementary Medical First Aid |
EMFA | Electro-Mechanical Flight Actuator |
EMFA | Entreprise Metallique F Airiau |
EMFA | Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs |