Acronym | Definition |
DPI | Dots Per Inch |
DPI | Department of Public Instruction |
DPI | Deep Packet Inspection (Anti-Intrusion Security) |
DPI | Department of Public Information (UN) |
DPI | Disabled Peoples' International |
DPI | Di Protezione Individuale (Italian: Personal Protective Equipment; work safety) |
DPI | Division of Plant Industry |
DPI | Department of Primary Industries (Australia) |
DPI | Department of Planning and Investment (various locations) |
DPI | Days Post Infection |
DPI | Director of Public Instruction (India) |
DPI | Department for Planning and Infrastructure (Australia) |
DPI | Digital Projection International |
DPI | Dry Powder Inhaler |
DPI | Dental Promotion & Innovation (France) |
DPI | Disposable Personal Income |
DPI | Diagnostic Pré-Implantatoire (French: Pre-Implantation Diagnosis) |
DPI | Distributed Protocol Interface |
DPI | Distributed Program Interface |
DPI | Detail Program Interrelationships |
DPI | Device Plug-in |
DPI | Dual Processor Interface |
DPI | Digital Preservation Initiative (Canada) |
DPI | Dans le Paysage Informatique (French: Computers in the Landscape) |
DPI | Déclarations Publiques d'Intérêts (French: Public Interest Declaration) |
DPI | Digital Program Insertion |
DPI | Déduction pour Investissement (French: Investment Allowance) |
DPI | Dutch Polymer Institute |
DPI | Deutsches Polen-Institut (German: German Institute of Polish Studies) |
DPI | Distributed Power Interconnect (software; IBM) |
DPI | Defensive Pass Interference (football) |
DPI | Direction du Patrimoine Immobilier (French: Management of Real Estate) |
DPI | Drive Products (Canada) |
DPI | Danmarks Paedagogiske Institut (Danish: Danish University of Education) |
DPI | Dispositivo di Protezione Individuale (Italian: Personal Protective Equipment; occupational safety) |
DPI | Direct Programming Interface |
DPI | Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual (Portuguese: Intellectual Property Rights) |
DPI | Disabled Persons International (Canada) |
DPI | Discounted Profitability Index |
DPI | Dalit Panthers of India (Tamil Nadu political movement) |
DPI | Dye Penetrant Inspection |
DPI | Data Processing Installation |
DPI | Drive Peripheral Interface |
DPI | Digital Printing and Imaging Association |
DPI | Differential Pressure Indicator |
DPI | Distributeur de Produits Industriels (French: Distributor of Industrial Products) |
DPI | Distribution Point Identifier (natural gas) |
DPI | Dual Polarisation Interferometry |
DPI | Digital Products Inc. |
DPI | Discovery Partners International, Inc. |
DPI | Distillation Products, Inc. (est.1938) |
DPI | Association of Public Sector Information Professionals (Canada) |
DPI | Decision Processes International |
DPI | Digital Phone Interface (Ositech) |
DPI | Détection Protection Incendie (French: Fire Protection Detection) |
DPI | Division of Public Information |
DPI | Daily Probe |
DPI | Discomfort, Pain and Injury |
DPI | Data Processing Information |
DPI | Direction Production Ingénierie (French: Production Engineering Directorate; Electricité de France) |
DPI | Deployments, Performance & Interoperability (IBM) |
DPI | Drinking Problems Index |
DPI | Diamond Products International |
DPI | Departure Planning Information (ATFM, CFMU) |
DPI | Dose Powder Inhaler |
DPI | Derived Product Images (Imagery) |
DPI | Documento Personal de Identificación (Guatemala) |
DPI | Développement Prestation Informatique (French: Benefit Informatics Development) |
DPI | Death Pact International (music concept) |
DPI | Destruction Potential Index |
DPI | Desired Point of Impact (target) |
DPI | Deployment Partners Inc. |
DPI | Death Penalty Initiative |
DPI | Democratization Policy Institute |
DPI | Data Path Interface |
DPI | Delaware Pain Initiative |
DPI | Dirty Power, Inc. |
DPI | Digital Planimetrics Inc. |
DPI | Datos de Pacientes Individuales (Spanish: Individual Patient Data) |
DPI | Diffuse Pollution Initiative (UK) |
DPI | Diversified Products Inspections, Inc |
DPI | Droits de Propriétés Intellectuels (French: Intellectual Property Rights) |
DPI | Driver Performance Index (Australia) |
DPI | Diving Periodicals International |
DPI | Directional Power Increase |
DPI | Dive Patches International (patch production outfit) |
DPI | Discipleship Publishing International |
DPI | Diabetes Providers Inc (diabetic supplies) |
DPI | Diffraction Products Inc. |
DPI | Detected Pulse Interference |
DPI | Direct Pour In-Mold |
DPI | Dust Puppy Inside (UserFriendly) |
DPI | Dane Photoimagery |
DPI | Direct RF (Radio Frequency) Power Injection (semiconductors) |
DPI | Drug Product Intermediate (pharmacology) |