DPIDots Per Inch
DPIDepartment of Public Instruction
DPIDeep Packet Inspection (Anti-Intrusion Security)
DPIDepartment of Public Information (UN)
DPIDisabled Peoples' International
DPIDi Protezione Individuale (Italian: Personal Protective Equipment; work safety)
DPIDivision of Plant Industry
DPIDepartment of Primary Industries (Australia)
DPIDepartment of Planning and Investment (various locations)
DPIDays Post Infection
DPIDirector of Public Instruction (India)
DPIDepartment for Planning and Infrastructure (Australia)
DPIDigital Projection International
DPIDry Powder Inhaler
DPIDental Promotion & Innovation (France)
DPIDisposable Personal Income
DPIDiagnostic Pré-Implantatoire (French: Pre-Implantation Diagnosis)
DPIDistributed Protocol Interface
DPIDistributed Program Interface
DPIDetail Program Interrelationships
DPIDevice Plug-in
DPIDual Processor Interface
DPIDigital Preservation Initiative (Canada)
DPIDans le Paysage Informatique (French: Computers in the Landscape)
DPIDéclarations Publiques d'Intérêts (French: Public Interest Declaration)
DPIDigital Program Insertion
DPIDéduction pour Investissement (French: Investment Allowance)
DPIDutch Polymer Institute
DPIDeutsches Polen-Institut (German: German Institute of Polish Studies)
DPIDistributed Power Interconnect (software; IBM)
DPIDefensive Pass Interference (football)
DPIDirection du Patrimoine Immobilier (French: Management of Real Estate)
DPIDrive Products (Canada)
DPIDanmarks Paedagogiske Institut (Danish: Danish University of Education)
DPIDispositivo di Protezione Individuale (Italian: Personal Protective Equipment; occupational safety)
DPIDirect Programming Interface
DPIDireitos de Propriedade Intelectual (Portuguese: Intellectual Property Rights)
DPIDisabled Persons International (Canada)
DPIDiscounted Profitability Index
DPIDalit Panthers of India (Tamil Nadu political movement)
DPIDye Penetrant Inspection
DPIData Processing Installation
DPIDrive Peripheral Interface
DPIDigital Printing and Imaging Association
DPIDifferential Pressure Indicator
DPIDistributeur de Produits Industriels (French: Distributor of Industrial Products)
DPIDistribution Point Identifier (natural gas)
DPIDual Polarisation Interferometry
DPIDigital Products Inc.
DPIDiscovery Partners International, Inc.
DPIDistillation Products, Inc. (est.1938)
DPIAssociation of Public Sector Information Professionals (Canada)
DPIDecision Processes International
DPIDigital Phone Interface (Ositech)
DPIDétection Protection Incendie (French: Fire Protection Detection)
DPIDivision of Public Information
DPIDaily Probe
DPIDiscomfort, Pain and Injury
DPIData Processing Information
DPIDirection Production Ingénierie (French: Production Engineering Directorate; Electricité de France)
DPIDeployments, Performance & Interoperability (IBM)
DPIDrinking Problems Index
DPIDiamond Products International
DPIDeparture Planning Information (ATFM, CFMU)
DPIDose Powder Inhaler
DPIDerived Product Images (Imagery)
DPIDocumento Personal de Identificación (Guatemala)
DPIDéveloppement Prestation Informatique (French: Benefit Informatics Development)
DPIDeath Pact International (music concept)
DPIDestruction Potential Index
DPIDesired Point of Impact (target)
DPIDeployment Partners Inc.
DPIDeath Penalty Initiative
DPIDemocratization Policy Institute
DPIData Path Interface
DPIDelaware Pain Initiative
DPIDirty Power, Inc.
DPIDigital Planimetrics Inc.
DPIDatos de Pacientes Individuales (Spanish: Individual Patient Data)
DPIDiffuse Pollution Initiative (UK)
DPIDiversified Products Inspections, Inc
DPIDroits de Propriétés Intellectuels (French: Intellectual Property Rights)
DPIDriver Performance Index (Australia)
DPIDiving Periodicals International
DPIDirectional Power Increase
DPIDive Patches International (patch production outfit)
DPIDiscipleship Publishing International
DPIDiabetes Providers Inc (diabetic supplies)
DPIDiffraction Products Inc.
DPIDetected Pulse Interference
DPIDirect Pour In-Mold
DPIDust Puppy Inside (UserFriendly)
DPIDane Photoimagery
DPIDirect RF (Radio Frequency) Power Injection (semiconductors)
DPIDrug Product Intermediate (pharmacology)