DPMSDisplay Power Management Signaling
DPMSDigital Power Management Software
DPMSDos Protected Mode Services
DPMSDOS Protected Mode Services (Microsoft MSDOS)
DPMSDisplay Power Management System
DPMSDefense Procurement Manufacturing Services Inc
DPMSDriver Position Memory System (car feature)
DPMSDavid Perret Motorsport (France)
DPMSData Project Management System
DPMSDistribution Planning Management System
DPMSData Processing and Management System (Bellcore)
DPMSDistributed Pattern Matching System
DPMSDigitally Phase Modulated Signal
DPMSDistributed Publishing and Management System
DPMSDCSLOG (Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics) Publications Management Systems
DPMSDescon Project Management System (Pakistan)
DPMSDemocratic Party of Montenegrin Socialists
DPMSDensified Propellant Management System (NASA)
DPMSDepois do Ponto-Morto Superior (After Top Dead Center; Portuguese)
DPMSDocument Publishing and Management Software