EAGLEEasily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor
EAGLEEagle Layout Editor
EAGLEEnterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading Edge Solutions (US DHS)
EAGLEEnhanced Army Global Logistics Enterprise (US Army)
EAGLEPolice Helicopter Police Helicopter (police incident code; New Zealand)
EAGLEEasily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor (CAD software for electronics design)
EAGLEEuropean Association for Grey Literature Exploitation
EAGLEEmployee Activity Guide for Labor Entry (US DoD)
EAGLEEnhanced Automated Graphical Logistics Environment
EAGLEEnvironment and Genetics in Lung Cancer Etiology (Study)
EAGLEExtended Airborne Global Launch Evaluator
EAGLEElevation Angle Guidance Landing Equipment
EAGLEEnergy Absorbing Gas Lithium Ejector
EAGLEExecutive Advisory Group for Logistics Excellence
EAGLEEnhanced Application of Ground Laser Equipment
EAGLEEuropean Application, Generation, and Language Environment for SMES
EAGLEExtra-normal Activities Garrison for Law Enforcement (Kurt Busiek's Astro City)