Acronym | Definition |
EAI | Enterprise Application Integration |
EAI | Electronic Arts Intermix (New York, NY) |
EAI | Entreprise d'Aménagement Intérieur (French: Interior Solutions Company) |
EAI | École d'Application de l'Infanterie (French: Infantry School Application) |
EAI | Engineering Animation Inc. |
EAI | External Audio in |
EAI | Epinephrine Auto-Injector (adrenaline dose devise) |
EAI | External Authoring Interface |
EAI | Epson America, Inc. (computer equipment) |
EAI | East Asian Institute |
EAI | Elephant Aid International (est. 2009) |
EAI | Estimated Annual Income |
EAI | Enterprise for ASEAN Initiative |
EAI | Environmental Associates, Inc. |
EAI | Électricité Automatisme Informatique (French: Electricity Automation Computers; Burkina Faso) |
EAI | Environmental Assessment Institute (est. 2002; Danish Ministry of the Environment) |
EAI | Europe Acoustique Ingénierie (French: Acoustic Engineering Europe) |
EAI | e-Business Application Integration |
EAI | Education Associates, Inc. (South Carolina) |
EAI | Environmental Analysis, Inc. (testing firm) |
EAI | Easy Access, Inc. (various organizations) |
EAI | Europe-Afrique Intérim SA (French: Europe-Africa Interim SA; Cameroon) |
EAI | Emergency Action Interface |
EAI | Evaluación Ambiental Inicial (Guatemala) |
EAI | Equal Appearing Interval |
EAI | External Alarm Interface |
EAI | East African Industries |
EAI | Electronics Associates, Incorporated |
EAI | Experimental Aviation Inc. (Santa Monica, California) |
EAI | External Architecture Interface |
EAI | Engine Air Intake |
EAI | Electronic Application Integrator |
EAI | Employer's Agent Instruction (UK) |
EAI | Enterprise View A |
EAI | Échange Afrique INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées; French: INSA (National Institute of Applied Sciences) Africa Exchange) |