FCCSForward Call-Call Screening
FCCSFrench Chamber of Commerce in Singapore
FCCSFranklin County Children Services (Columbus, OH)
FCCSFundamental Critical Care Support
FCCSFederal Claims Collection Standards
FCCSFlorida Community College System
FCCSFédération de la Culture, de la Communication et du Spectacle (French: Federation of Culture, Communication and Entertainment)
FCCSForward Cabin Control Station
FCCSFamily Credit Counseling Service
FCCSFusion Call Control Signaling
FCCSFlorida Commission on Community Service
FCCSFinance, Comptabilité, Contrôle, Stratégie (French: Finance, Accounting, Control, Strategy)
FCCSFilipino Canadian Construction Society (Canada)
FCCSFootball Club Château-Salins (French football club)
FCCSSenior Chief Fire Controlman (Naval Rating)
FCCSForward Cabin Control System
FCCSFlooding and Casualty Control Software
FCCSFleet Command Center System
FCCSFlorida Consortium of Charter Schools, Inc.
FCCSFranklin County Corrections System (Columbus, OH)
FCCSFire Controlman, Chief, Senior (US Navy)
FCCSFundamental Companion Cache Structure