DVDDigital Versatile Disc (formerly Digital Video Disc)
DVDDigital Video Disc (now Digital Versatile Disc)
DVDDick Van Dyke (actor)
DVDDeath Valley Days (TV show)
DVDDivide (street type)
DVDDiploma in Venerology & Dermatology (India)
DVDDigital Versatile Disc
DVDDigital Video Disc
DVDDivide Decimal
DVDDivers Droite (France, politics)
DVDDeutsche Vereinigung für Datenschutz
DVDDC Video Deluxe (skateboarding)
DVDDirect Vendor Delivery
DVDDevelopmental Verbal Dyspraxia
DVDDeath Valley Driver (pro wrestling)
DVDD-Von Dudley (wrestler)
DVDDefinitie Van Dopeheid (Dutch: Definition of Permissible Dope)
DVDDissociated Vertical Deviation (ophthalmology)
DVDDigital Video Drive
DVDDynamic Voltage Drop (electronics)
DVDDepp Vom Dienst (German: Idiot of Service)
DVDDouble-Vessel Disease
DVDDigital Virtual Disk
DVDDrivers Vigilance Device (UK)
DVDDriver and Vehicle Data Online Access