Acronym | Definition |
ASK | AskJeeves (website) |
ASK | Alpha Sigma Kappa (science sorority) |
ASK | Arbejdsskadestyrelsen |
ASK | Academic Skills Center (Dordt College, Sioux Center, IA) |
ASK | Ask Seek Knock |
ASK | Amplitude Shift Keying |
ASK | Apoptosis Signal-Regulating Kinase |
ASK | Yamoussoukro, Cote d'Ivoire (airport code) |
ASK | Advocates for Special Kids |
ASK | American School of Kuwait |
ASK | Available Seat Kilometre |
ASK | Akademische Software Kooperation |
ASK | Anomalous State of Knowledge (programming) |
ASK | Automated Skills (Workshop) |
ASK | Ability, Skills and Knowledge |
ASK | Always Seek Knowledge |
ASK | Adults Seeking Knowledge |
ASK | Acoustical Society of Korea (South Korea) |
ASK | Automatic Station Keeping |
ASK | Association Sportive Karting (French karting association) |
ASK | Access Security Key |
ASK | Amateur Sport Klub (various locations) |
ASK | American Saisatsang Kendras (various locations) |
ASK | American School of Kosova (Kosova) |
ASK | Arsikere, Karnataka (railway code) |
ASK | Acoustic Suppression Kit |
ASK | Awareness, Skill and Knowledge |
ASK | Amsterdam Support Knowledge |
ASK | Artist Slowly Killing (graffiti artist tagline) |
ASK | Alexander Schleicher-Kaiser (German glider manufacturer) |
ASK | Association for Scriptural Knowledge |
ASK | Ass-Savings Kit (Alcoholics Anonymous chat slang) |