ASKAskJeeves (website)
ASKAlpha Sigma Kappa (science sorority)
ASKAcademic Skills Center (Dordt College, Sioux Center, IA)
ASKAsk Seek Knock
ASKAmplitude Shift Keying
ASKApoptosis Signal-Regulating Kinase
ASKYamoussoukro, Cote d'Ivoire (airport code)
ASKAdvocates for Special Kids
ASKAmerican School of Kuwait
ASKAvailable Seat Kilometre
ASKAkademische Software Kooperation
ASKAnomalous State of Knowledge (programming)
ASKAutomated Skills (Workshop)
ASKAbility, Skills and Knowledge
ASKAlways Seek Knowledge
ASKAdults Seeking Knowledge
ASKAcoustical Society of Korea (South Korea)
ASKAutomatic Station Keeping
ASKAssociation Sportive Karting (French karting association)
ASKAccess Security Key
ASKAmateur Sport Klub (various locations)
ASKAmerican Saisatsang Kendras (various locations)
ASKAmerican School of Kosova (Kosova)
ASKArsikere, Karnataka (railway code)
ASKAcoustic Suppression Kit
ASKAwareness, Skill and Knowledge
ASKAmsterdam Support Knowledge
ASKArtist Slowly Killing (graffiti artist tagline)
ASKAlexander Schleicher-Kaiser (German glider manufacturer)
ASKAssociation for Scriptural Knowledge
ASKAss-Savings Kit (Alcoholics Anonymous chat slang)