Acronym | Definition |
DOM | Document Object Model |
DOM | Domination |
DOM | Days On Market (real estate term) |
DOM | Dominican Republic (ISO Country code) |
DOM | Dominion |
DOM | Dissolved Organic Matter |
DOM | Disk on Module (Flash memory module) |
DOM | Domenica (Italian: Sunday) |
DOM | Department of Management (various organizations) |
DOM | Director of Music |
DOM | Department of Mathematics (various schools) |
DOM | Division of Management (various organizations) |
DOM | Direction of Motion |
DOM | Date Of Marriage (geneological term) |
DOM | Decade of the Mind (conference) |
DOM | Dissolution of Marriage (divorce) |
DOM | Director of Manufacturing (various companies) |
DOM | Day of Month (US DoD) |
DOM | Department of Meteorology (various locations) |
DOM | Division of Minerals (Nevada) |
DOM | Date of Maturity |
DOM | Doctor of Oriental Medicine |
DOM | Distributed Object Management |
DOM | Dirty Old Man |
DOM | Director of Marketing |
DOM | Drawn Over Mandrel (metal-shaping process) |
DOM | Distributed Order Management |
DOM | Departamento de Obras Municipais (Portuguese: Department of Municipal Works) |
DOM | Défiscalisation Outre-Mer (French: Overseas Taxation) |
DOM | Dominion of Melchizedek (micronation) |
DOM | Document Object Management |
DOM | Down Optimization Module |
DOM | Disk on Module |
DOM | Dell Open Manage |
DOM | Data on Master Group |
DOM | Date of Manufacture |
DOM | Design Out Maintenance (engineering) |
DOM | Dead Organic Matter (biology) |
DOM | Departements d'Outremer (French: Overseas Counties) |
DOM | Deo Optimo Maximo (Latin: To God, Best and Greatest) |
DOM | Discrete Ordinate Method |
DOM | 4-Methyl-2,5-Dimethoxyamphetamine (psychedelic drug; aka STP) |
DOM | Distribution Organes Mécaniques (French: Distribution Powertrains) |
DOM | Department of Mysteries (Harry Potter) |
DOM | Director of Membership |
DOM | Dominant/Dominatrix |
DOM | Drinks on Me |
DOM | Distribution Operation Manager (various companies) |
DOM | Dental Operatory Microscope |
DOM | Digital Optical Module |
DOM | Domino Object Model (old definition) |
DOM | Digital Output Module |
DOM | Dipartimenti d'Oltremare (Italian: Overseas Department) |
DOM | Developer, Owner and Manager |
DOM | Départment d'Outre-Mer (French Overseas Department, similar to a territory) |
DOM | Directorate of Information Management (COE) |
DOM | Dose Monitor |
DOM | Department Operations Manual (California Department of Corrections) |
DOM | Dominica, Dominica - Melville Hal-Dom (Airport Code) |
DOM | Delete Operator Message (Netview command) |
DOM | Doctrine Organization Training |
DOM | Dominator (archetype in the game City of Villains) |
DOM | Digital Ohm Meter |
DOM | Disk Orchestra Module (Yahama Clavinova) |
DOM | Directorate of Materiel (US Army) |
DOM | Data Only Module (Nortel) |
DOM | Disaster Operations Manual (FEMA) |
DOM | Degree of Multiprogramming |
DOM | Data Output Message |
DOM | Departmental Operations Manager |
DOM | Direction des Opérations de Marché (French: Branch Operations Market) |
DOM | Decimal Order of Magnitude |
DOM | Distributed Operations Master |
DOM | Date of Mortgage |
DOM | Data Origin Level – Manual Input |
DOM | Drawn Over Metal |
DOM | Distant-Organ Metastasis (pathology) |
DOM | Description, Operation & Maintenance |
DOM | Director Of Naval Oceanography & Meteorology |
DOM | Director Of Maintenance |
DOM | Digital Optical Monitoring |
DOM | Division of Overseas Ministries |