Acronym | Definition |
DSPA | Data Science and Predictive Analytics (course; University of Michigan) |
DSPA | Danish School of Public Administration (Denmark) |
DSPA | Desmodus Rotundus Salivary Plasminogen Activator (vampire bat saliva-derived anticlotting agent) |
DSPA | DNA Specimen Provenance Assay (medical test) |
DSPA | Digital & Screen Printing Association (UK) |
DSPA | Dry Sprinkler Powder Aerosol (fire suppression) |
DSPA | Duluth Seaway Port Authority (Minnesota) |
DSPA | Digital Signal Processing Applications |
DSPA | Direction de la Stratégie, du Pilotage et de l'Animation (French: Directorate of Strategy, Steering and Animation) |
DSPA | digital subtraction pulmonary angiography |