Acronym | Definition |
DSRP | Document de Stratégie de Réduction de la Pauvreté (French: Document of Strategies to Reduce Poverty) |
DSRP | Dealer Suggested Retail Price (automotive sales) |
DSRP | Defense Space Reconnaissance Program |
DSRP | Down Syndrome Research and Practice (journal) |
DSRP | Drug Resistant Streptococcus Pneumoniae |
DSRP | Dynamic Survivable Resource Pooling |
DSRP | Demand Solutions Requirements Planning (supply chain software) |
DSRP | Distributor Suggested Retail Price |
DSRP | Disabled Sports and Recreational Programs (South Carolina) |
DSRP | Deep Scaling Root Planing (dentistry) |
DSRP | Distinctions, Systems, Relationships, Perspectives (cognitive theory) |