DPPSDevon Parent Partnership Service (UK)
DPPSDelhi Police Public School (India)
DPPSDepot Personnel Protection System (aka Depot Protection System; railways)
DPPSDepartment of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences (Univeristy of Leuven; Leuven, Belgium)
DPPSDell Proximity Printing Solution
DPPSDiabetes Prevention Program in Schizophrenia
DPPSDécoration Peinture Philéas Service (French painting company)
DPPSDental Personnel Placement Service (Oak Forest, IL)
DPPSDigital Precision Powder Scale (Pact, Inc.)
DPPSDivision of Prevention and Population Sciences (US NIH)
DPPSDobroyd Point Public School (Australia)
DPPSDisabled Persons Parking Scheme (UK)
DPPSDisaster Preparedness Planning Survey (US Army)
DPPSDefense Protected Power Systems
DPPSDot Product Packed Single-Precision (computing)
DPPSDefense Procurement Payment System
DPPSDepartment of Police & Public Safety (various schools)
DPPSDivision of Personal Property Services (US NIH)
DPPSData Packets Per Second
DPPSDivision of Physiology and Pathological Sciences (US NIH)
DPPSDiversified Project Planning Solutions (Trinidad and Tobago)
DPPSDiffusion Provençale de Produits et de Services (French office equipment distribution company)
DPPSDivision of Program and Partnership Support (US FWS)
DPPSDaniel Pattullo Paralegal Services (Canada)