Acronym | Definition |
DPR | Department (al) Performance Report |
DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation (California) |
DPR | Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica (Italian Republic presidential decree) |
DPR | Digital Photography Review |
DPR | Department of Parks and Recreation |
DPR | Dream Perfect Regime (music and video group) |
DPR | Donetsk People's Republic (self-proclaimed state) |
DPR | Division of Professional Regulation (various locations) |
DPR | Dread Pirate Roberts (band) |
DPR | Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (Indonesia) |
DPR | Democratic People's Republic (of Korea) |
DPR | Digital Plug Ready (slot cars) |
DPR | Detailed Project Report |
DPR | Development Policy Review (Wiley publication) |
DPR | Device Pixel Ratio (image optimization) |
DPR | Department of Petroleum Resources (Nigeria) |
DPR | Departmental Performance Report |
DPR | Damage per Round (gaming) |
DPR | Default Project |
DPR | Dynamic Processor Resilience |
DPR | Dynamic Physical Rendering |
DPR | Delphi Project |
DPR | Digital Pattern Recognition |
DPR | Data Processing Request |
DPR | Doctor-Patient Relationship (healthcare) |
DPR | Denver Parks and Recreation (Denver, CO) |
DPR | Department of Professional Regulation |
DPR | Department of Plant Resources (Nepal) |
DPR | Delphi Project (computer filename extension) |
DPR | DC Parks and Recreation (Washington, DC) |
DPR | Degree Progress Report (education) |
DPR | Diversified Payment Rights (future flows securitization) |
DPR | Data Protection and Retention |
DPR | Dual-Port Ram |
DPR | Drill Pipe Riser |
DPR | Data Protection Register (UK) |
DPR | Dividend Payout Ratio |
DPR | Daily Progress Report |
DPR | Division for Palestinian Rights (UN) |
DPR | Direction des Produits Réglementés (French: Regulated Products Directorate) |
DPR | Designated Pass Rusher (football) |
DPR | Dermatopathia Pigmentosa Reticularis |
DPR | Diesel Particulate Active Reduction (Hino) |
DPR | Décoration Peinture Revêtement (French: Decorative Paint Coating) |
DPR | Daily Periodic Rate |
DPR | Dynamic Physical Rendering (Intel) |
DPR | Differential Police Response |
DPR | Defense Performance Review |
DPR | Disconnect-Peer-Request (communication termination command) |
DPR | Digit Present |
DPR | Dan Paramore Racing |
DPR | Daily Process Report (USMC) |
DPR | Dual Precipitation Radar |
DPR | Design Process Review |
DPR | Dedicated Protection Ring |
DPR | Design Problem Report |
DPR | Dynamic Path Reconnect |
DPR | Deep Profile Roof |
DPR | Development Progress Review |
DPR | Display Non-Nodal Routing (US DoD) |
DPR | Department Program Review |
DPR | Deadline-Driven Proactive Resource Allocation |
DPR | Departmental Program Review |
DPR | Discrete Partial Rotation |
DPR | Degrees Per Revolution |
DPR | Dynamic Power Reproducibility (Agilent) |
DPR | Digital Present |