Acronym | Definition |
ESB | Easthampton Savings Bank (Massachusetts) |
ESB | Enterprise Service Bus |
ESB | Empire State Building (New York, NY) |
ESB | Electricity Supply Board (Ireland) |
ESB | Empire Strikes Back |
ESB | Extra Special Bitter |
ESB | The Empire Strikes Back |
ESB | Emerging Small Business |
ESB | East Side Boyz (band) |
ESB | Electrical Stimulation of the Brain |
ESB | Engineer Special Brigade (various locations) |
ESB | École de Surf de Bretagne (French: Surf School in Bretagne; Brittany, France) |
ESB | École Supérieure de Banque (Algerian school) |
ESB | Error Status Block |
ESB | External Service Broker |
ESB | European School of Business (Reutlingen, Germany) |
ESB | Engineering Sciences Building (various schools) |
ESB | Équivalent-Subvention Brut (French: Equivalent Grant Gross) |
ESB | Engineer Support Battalion |
ESB | European Society of Biomechanics |
ESB | E-Street Band (Bruce Springsteen's band) |
ESB | Edwards School of Business (Canada) |
ESB | École Supérieure du Bois (French wood processing school) |
ESB | Entente Sportive Blanquefortaise (French sports club) |
ESB | English Speaking Board (UK) |
ESB | Erste & Steiermärkische Bank (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
ESB | Erdgas Südbayern GmbH (natural gas utility; Munich, Germany) |
ESB | Espirito Santo Bank (various locations) |
ESB | Entente Sportive Bouliste (French sports club) |
ESB | Encefalopatía Spongiforme Bovina (Spanish: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) |
ESB | Expeditionary Signal Battalion (US DoD) |
ESB | Engrossed Senate Bill |
ESB | Extra Strong Bitter (beer) |
ESB | Economic Services Bureau (Hong Kong) |
ESB | Enhanced Separate Brigade |
ESB | Engineering Society of Baltimore |
ESB | Enhanced Separate Brigade (UA Army) |
ESB | Ankara, Turkey - Esenboga (Airport Code) |
ESB | Emergency Service Bureau |
ESB | Entente Sportive Bonchamp (French sports club) |
ESB | External Security Bulletin (Australian Computer Emergency Response Team) |
ESB | Embedded System Block |
ESB | Eastern Savings Bank |
ESB | English Sports Betting (UK) |
ESB | Emergency Services Branch |
ESB | Engineering Society of Buffalo |
ESB | Energy Star Buildings |
ESB | European Schools Brussels (Brussels, Belgium swim team) |
ESB | Environmental Services Branch (US EPA) |
ESB | Effective Sample Base |
ESB | Embedded Single Board |
ESB | Encéphalopathie Spongioforme Bovine |
ESB | Executive Steering Board |
ESB | Environmental Stewardship Branch |
ESB | Esterase B |
ESB | Etiology and Surveillance Branch (ASPH) |
ESB | Electrical Substitution Bolometer |
ESB | En Route Support Base |
ESB | Elastic Storage Buffer |
ESB | Exhaust Stack Blocker (non-lethal weapon) |
ESB | Echostrong Band (ultrasound) |
ESB | Embotelladora San Bernardino (Guatemala) |
ESB | East San Bruno |
ESB | Emergency Stow Bypass |
ESB | Emergency Switch Board (electrical; marine) |
ESB | Électricité Sylvain Bezos (French electric company) |