Acronym | Definition |
ESBN | Entrepreneur´s Boxing Night (round table event) |
ESBN | European Soil Bureau Network (Joint Research Center; EU) |
ESBN | Exeter Sustainable Business Network (UK) |
ESBN | Escola Secundaria da Boa Nova (Portuguese: Secondary School of the Good News) |
ESBN | European Basic Skills Network (est. 2010) |
ESBN | Electronic Standard Book Number (electronic content identifier) |
ESBN | Épicerie Solidaire de Bourges-Nord (French: North Bourges Grocery Solidarity; Bourges, France) |
ESBN | Entrepreneurs Success Builders Network |
ESBN | Ehrenamtlicher Seelsorge Bereitschaftsdienst in der Nacht (German: Volunteer Counseling Call Duty at Night) |
ESBN | European SME (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise) Benchmarking Network |
ESBN | Empower Society Build the Nation (Tanzania) |
ESBN | Entertainment Sports Blogging Network |