ENSEnvironment News Service
ENSÉcole Normale Supérieure (French school)
ENSEpiscopal News Service
ENSEvent Notification Service
ENSEmergency Notification System
ENSEspace Naturel Sensible (French: Sensitive Natural Area)
ENSEconomics of National Security (various organizations)
ENSEquipos de Nuestra Señora (Spanish: Teams of Our Lady)
ENSEnte Nazionale Sordomuti (Italian: National Institute for Deaf-Mutes)
ENSEdward Nathan Sonnenbergs (law firm; South Africa)
ENSEuropean Nuclear Society
ENSEnteric Nervous System
ENSEnglish Native Speakers (education program)
ENSExecute News Service
ENSEnhanced Network Services
ENSExternal Nonhostile Structured
ENSEnterprise Network Services
ENSElectronic News Server
ENSEnhanced Network Solutions
ENSElectronic Network Systems
ENSEnd Note Style File
ENSExtended Networking Support
ENSEmbedded Networked Sensing
ENSEuropean Standards
ENSEcole National Supérieure (French: Top National School)
ENSEvent Notification System (software)
ENSEnterprise Networking Solutions, Inc. (California)
ENSEnterprise Network Services (Convergent)
ENSEnterprise Nervous System
ENSEnergy Not Supplied
ENSEmpty Nest Syndrome
ENSEmet News Service (Israel)
ENSEnschede, Netherlands - Twente (Airport Code)
ENSEnhanced Network Selection (GPS)
ENSEcole Nationale Syndicale (French: National School Association)
ENSExternal Neutron Source
ENSElectronic Negotiation System (Canada)
ENSEnterprise Network Strategy
ENSEnhanced Navigation System
ENSExplosive Neutralization System
ENSEnterprise Networking System
ENSEntergy Nuclear South
ENSElectronic News Services
ENSEuropean Network for Science
ENSEuropean Networks and Services