EPHEphesians (bible)
EPHEnvironmental and Public Health
EPHEphrata (Amtrak station code; Ephrata, GA)
EPHEvidence for Public Health
EPHÉlectronique et Physique (French: Electronics and Physics)
EPHEtablissement Public Hospitalier (French: Public Hopitalization Establishment)
EPHExtractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons
EPHEpidemiology and Public Health (department in medical schools)
EPHÉcole du Paysage et de l'Horticulture (French: Landscape and Horticulture School)
EPHEmails per Hour
EPHEnergy Pattern Healing
EPHElectronic Pearl Harbor
EPHEpisodic Paroxysmal Hemicrania
EPHEmballages Plastiques d'Heudreville (French plastic packaging company)
EPHÉvolution et Potentiels Humains (French: Evolution and Human Potential)
EPHElectronic Payment Handling (banking)
EPHElderly Peoples Home
EPHÉtude et Protection de l'Habitat (French: Study and Protection of Habitat)
EPHEtablissement Public de l'Habitat
EPHEarliest Possible Harvest