Acronym | Definition |
EED | Education and Economic Development (various locations) |
EED | Electro(nic) Explosive Device |
EED | Energy, Environment and Development (various organizations) |
EED | End-to-End Delay (computing) |
EED | Environmental Engineering Division (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) |
EED | Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst |
EED | Exelon Energy Delivery (Exelon Corporation) |
EED | Extreme Emotional Distress |
EED | Early Embryonic Death (Porcine Circovirus 2) |
EED | Emergency Evacuation Drill |
EED | Environmental Endocrine Disruptors |
EED | Extreme Emotional Disturbance |
EED | European Endowment for Democracy |
EED | Échange Électronique de Données (French equivalent of EDI) |
EED | Electro-Explosive Devices |
EED | Education and Early Development (teacher certification) |
EED | Erythema Elevatum Diutinum (necrotising vasculitis) |
EED | Economic Evaluation Database |
EED | Environmental Enrichment Device (animal enrichment) |
EED | Evasion-English Dictionary (book by Maggie Balistreri) |
EED | Energy Efficient Design (methodology) |
EED | Études Engineering Développement (French: Engineering Development Studies; Cameroon) |
EED | Estrée-Environnement et Développement (French environmental development association) |
EED | Extended Entity Data |
EED | Équipements et Développements (French: Facilities and Developments) |
EED | Egyptian Engineering Day (IEEE) |
EED | Enfants et Développement (French: Children and Development) |
EED | Energy and Environmental Division |
EED | Estimated Exposure Dose |
EED | Electronics Engineering Depot (Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority) |
EED | Electrical and Electronics Division |
EED | Emission Elimination Device |
EED | Exposure Evaluation Division |
EED | Emergency Egress Diagram |
EED | Encryption and Encapsulation Device |
EED | Education and Evaluation Division |
EED | Enterprise Engineering Department (United States Navy Meteorology and Oceanography Command) |
EED | Equipment Engineering Department |
EED | Experimentation Execution Directorate |
EED | Excessively-Evolved Digit |
EED | Empirical Eigenvalue Distribution |