AARSAll-America Rose Selections
AARSAsian Association on Remote Sensing (Japan)
AARSAtlanto-Axial Rotatory-Subluxation (disorder)
AARSAutomated Accounting and Reporting System (gambling; Montana)
AARSArmy Amateur Radio System
AARSAfter Action Review System
AARSAppeals Account Resolution Specialist (US IRS)
AARSAmerican Association of Riding Schools
AARSAdvanced Aircraft Recovery System (US Navy)
AARSAutomated Aircraft Reporting System
AARSAdvanced Airborne Radiac Systems
AARSAffordable Apache Rotor System (attack helicopter system redesign)
AARSAutomated Account Request System (router network)
AARSAlabama Association of Rescue Squads, Inc.
AARSAdvanced Airborne Radar System
AARSAmmunition Asset Reporting System
AARSAir Force Rescue & Recovery Service