FEDDFédération Européenne pour l'Ethique et le Développement Durable (French: European Federation of Ethical and Sustainable Development)
FEDDFlood Elevation Determination Docket
FEDDFoundation for Educational Digital Development (Australia)
FEDDFabrication Électronique de Dordogne (French: Electronic Manufacturing Dordogne; Dordogne, France)
FEDDfugitive emissions detection device
FEDDFeasible Earliest Due Date
FEDDFor Early Domestic Dissemination
FEDDFamily of Electronic Deceptive Devices
FEDDFédération Européenne de Discothèques et de Dancings (French: European Federation of Discotheques and Dance Halls)
FEDDFreshman Engineering Design Day (various universities)