Acronym | Definition |
DTA | Drive Through Appraisal |
DTA | Drug Treatment Agency (UK) |
DTA | Data (File Name Extension) |
DTA | Differential Thermal Analysis |
DTA | DownThemAll! (Mozilla Firefox extension) |
DTA | Development Team Approach (UK) |
DTA | Digital-to-Analog (TV converter device) |
DTA | Department of Transitional Assistance (Massachusetts) |
DTA | Division of Tax Appeals (New York) |
DTA | Draw to Adopt (art) |
DTA | Dynamic Traffic Assignment |
DTA | Decreasing Term Assurance (insurance) |
DTA | Database Engine Tuning Advisor (Microsoft) |
DTA | Domestic Tariff Area |
DTA | Don't Trust Anybody |
DTA | Demence de Type Alzheimer (French: Dementia of Type Alzheimer) |
DTA | Drug Trafficking Act (UK legislation) |
DTA | Duluth Transit Authority (Duluth, MN) |
DTA | Directive Territoriale d'Aménagement (French: Territorial Directorate of Planning) |
DTA | Decision to Admit (healthcare) |
DTA | Double Tax Agreement |
DTA | Direct Transfer Agreement (colleges to Universities) |
DTA | Don't Tell Anyone |
DTA | Digital Telephone Adapter (VoIP) |
DTA | Don't Trust Anyone |
DTA | Digital Transistor Arrays |
DTA | Data File |
DTA | Digital to Analog |
DTA | Direct Transfer Agreement |
DTA | Design and Test Automation |
DTA | Disk Transfer Address |
DTA | Digital Test Access |
DTA | Digital Terminal and Access |
DTA | Development Trusts Association (London, UK) |
DTA | Dublin Transport Authority |
DTA | Doctoral Training Account (UK research grant) |
DTA | Dip Test Authorization (oil trade) |
DTA | Dossier Technique Amiante (French: Asbestos Technical File; building regulation) |
DTA | Document Technique d'Application (French: Technical Application Document) |
DTA | Discovery and Translational Area (clinical trials) |
DTA | Disk Transfer Area |
DTA | Database Tuning Advisor (Microsoft SQL Server) |
DTA | Dental Trade Association (Arlington, VA) |
DTA | Deferred Tax Asset |
DTA | Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 |
DTA | Don't Touch Anything |
DTA | Dental Trade Alliance |
DTA | Democratic Turnhalle Alliance of Namibia |
DTA | Direct Tape Access |
DTA | Double Taxation Arrangement (various locations) |
DTA | Diplôme de Technologie Approfondie (French: Diploma in Comprehensive Technology) |
DTA | Duty Tour Allowance |
DTA | Dewaele Technical Agencies (Deerlijk, Belgium) |
DTA | Door to Airport (shipping) |
DTA | Decision Tree Analysis |
DTA | Delegated Technical Authority |
DTA | Delta Trikes Aviation (est. 1990; France) |
DTA | Dynamic Trimming Assistant (Eniram) |
DTA | Dog Theft Action (lobby group) |
DTA | Delta, UT (municipal airport code) |
DTA | Dead Turns Alive (band) |
DTA | Damage Tolerance Analysis |
DTA | Department of Tax Administration (Fairfax, VA) |
DTA | Document Tracking and Administration (Microsoft BizTalk Server) |
DTA | Danske Turist Attraktioner (Danish: Danish Tourist Attractions) |
DTA | Demencia Tipo Alzheimer (Spanish) |
DTA | Devine, Tarbell & Associates, Inc (Portland, ME) |
DTA | Downtown Annapolis (Maryland) |
DTA | Death to Analog (Julien-K album) |
DTA | Designated Tobacco Area (various organizations) |
DTA | Death to All (Counter Strike clan) |
DTA | Data Transfer Agreement |
DTA | Data Transfer Area |
DTA | Defense Travel Administrator |
DTA | Duchene Transaction Auto (French auto sales) |
DTA | Death to America |
DTA | Dental Technologists Association (Gloucester, UK) |
DTA | Deployment Threat Analyst (US Army) |
DTA | Data Terminal Adapter |
DTA | Detroit Telugu Association (Detroit, MI) |
DTA | Deep Transverse Arrest (obstetrics) |
DTA | Death to Acronyms |
DTA | Director Technical Airworthiness (Canadian Forces) |
DTA | Defense Travel Administration |
DTA | Debt to Total Assets |
DTA | Dartmoor Tourist Association (UK) |
DTA | Dual Trunk Adapter |
DTA | Linhas Aereas de Angola Airlines (ICAO code) |
DTA | Directive to Apprehend |
DTA | Dental Therapy Assistant |
DTA | Down to Attack |
DTA | Directed Training Association |
DTA | Dedicated/Development Test Article |
DTA | Discrete Task Assay |
DTA | Detonation Transfer Assembly (explosive transfer assembly) |
DTA | Distribution Terminal Assembly (telecommunications) |
DTA | Decline to Answer (survey response) |
DTA | Domain Target Architecture (IT architecture specification) |
DTA | Distributed Tracking Algorithm |
DTA | Di-p-Tolyl-p-anisylamine |
DTA | Distribution Touraine Automatismes (French: Touraine Distribution Automation) |
DTA | Duke Theft Auto (Duke Nukem 3D) |
DTA | Dark Tongue Alliance (artists; Utah) |
DTA | David Travers Agencies |
DTA | Dry to Air |
DTA | Darlington Transistor Array |
DTA | Domestic Temporary Assignment |
DTA | Derek Tynan Associates (Dublin, Ireland) |
DTA | Down Tower Assembly (wind turbines) |
DTA | Descending Thoracic Artery |
DTA | Director of Temporal Affairs |
DTA | Diagnostic Troubleshooting Aid (Apache helicopter) |
DTA | Durham Tamil Association (Canada) |
DTA | Digital Transistor Array |
DTA | Down Town Anaheim Funk (band) |
DTA | Duct Tape Association |